2 October 2024


By John Ollis

Many of my readers are in Preaching/Teaching Ministry and live very busy lives, and in hindsight I had the same challenge and sadly was often simply TOO BUSY, I am glad that from time to time, the Lord seemed to take the initiative and create a situation where I simply had to slow down not just for physical reasons, but for spiritual reasons.

I think we must also recognise we are living in very challenging days, there are so many “signs” that the Lord’s return is ever closer, and we must cooperate with the Lord and let Him complete His work in us amen.

I always sought to have my daily Quiet Time, and time in the Word of God, but so often this was related to my “ministry” and not as much time was given on my personal growth and intimacy with the Lord.

I am feeling the prompting of the Holy Spirit to set aside a week or even a month of concentrated seeking of the Lord, and I want to share this with you and encourage you to consider doing the same. It will take PLANNING and DISCIPLINE but I am sure the results will be very LIFECHANGING and worthwhile.

I am going to ask myself a bunch of questions like:

Am I satisfied with my walk and intimacy with God.?

Can my prayer-life improve?

Am I sincerely walking in my INHERITANCE now.

Am I spending quality time meditating on the Word of God?

Am I regularly hearing the Lord speak to me through the Word?

Am I regularly experiencing the Word of God moving from information to revelation, and the Holy Spirit quickening the Word in my life?

Have I set goals that are not coming to pass, both personally and in my ministry?

Do I need to prayerfully consider setting new goals in my personal spiritual life and my ministry.

Should I be open to “transition” in my ministry, not just geographically, but to other aspects of ministry?

As I being the Husband, Father, the Minister that God has called me to be?

I am sure I will add to this list as I commence this journey, and can see the period of time increasing, as so many of these questions suggest a real potential lifestyle change.

We have an awesome promise (with our name written over it) in James 4:8 KJV. DRAW NEAR TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU.

I wrote a series of blogs recently about “understanding ourselves better”.

We may need to remind ourselves that WITHOUT HIM WE CAN DO NOTHING, and ask the Lord TO INCREASE OUR SPIRITUAL HUNGER, and the Holy Spirit to stimulate OUR WILL.

So I present this blog to you and ask you to prayerfully consider having this special “push” and enter into a deeper intimacy with the Lord.

Please feel to comment in my website, I really would like to know what you are thinking