I did a WhatsApp message this week to over 200 of my ministry friends around the world, sharing the fact, that I am believing that 2025 is going to be a YEAR OF PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGH FOR ME AND THE CHURCH (The Body of Christ).
This is not a fanciful choice, but something I have been praying about as I was preparing for 2025.
I need breakthrough in different areas of my life and am determined by God’s Grace to see a breakthrough, and to deepen my intimacy with the Lord.
Prior to our conversion we start to develop bad habits particularly in the area of our mind. We know the MIND IS THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE SOUL, and I think the first area of attack the enemy makes, plus our own sinful nature is often thinking on sinful and questionable things. Post Conversion unless we are Biblically Discipled these bad habits can continue to grow, and rob us of our peace and victory.
The writer to Hebrews speaks about GOD’S SO GREAT SALVATION, which God designed in eternity past, not only to deal with our sins and be born again, but it includes such an awesome inheritance of how by the Grace of God we can NOW deal with these past bad habits through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the POWER OF THE WORD OF GOD.
Solomon in his Song 2:15 speaks of : The little foxes that spoil the vines, that to me describes so many of mind problems we have like:
Negativity, plus many more.
God has also made us His creation to be sexual beings, so this area also can become a FOX, and cause us to sin, and even backslide without quality Discipleship.
So how do we deal with these “little foxes”?
As I wrote in a recent blog, we need to CO-OPERATE with the Lord and His Word.
The moment the sinful thought comes, remember James 4:7-8 Therefore SUBMIT to God. RESIST the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
We must CAST the thought down in JESUS NAME, CONFESS the Word of God, using it as a SWORD and SHIELD verses like:
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13
Greater is the Christ that is in me, than the evil one in the world. 1 John 4:4
We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. Rom.8:37
Paul says to replace these thoughts with: Phil.4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate (think) (fasten your thoughts) on these things
We must learn to CONTINUALLY put on the whole armour of God Eph.6:10-20 especially the HELMET OF SAVATION and the SHEILD OF FAITH TO PROTECT OUR MIND.
If we do these things we LEARN TO experience breakthrough after breakthrough, against the evil one, and our sinful mind.
It is often our mind that stops us breaking through into deep INTIMACY with the Lord, but as we CO-OPERATE with His Word and DISCIPLINE ourselves I sincerely believe we can have an maintain a deeper intimacy with the Lord.
King David challenges us in Psalm 37:4 Delight (Trust, lean on, rely on) (quiet down before God) yourself also in the LORD.
And He shall give you the desires of your heart
Speaking personally, my biggest problem is NOT the enemy IT IS ME. Thus we must CO-OPERATE WITH THE LORD & HIS WORD, AND DISCIPLINE OURSELVES TO SEEK HIM. In a sense there is nothing new in the above, but as the hymnwriter wrote TELL ME THE STORY OFTEN FOR I FORGET SO SOON.
Can I also encourage you to seek out a MENTOR, who will walk with you into a new level of relationship with the Lord.
I will write of my desire to see breakthrough in the Body of Christ is 2025 in my next blog.
I do trust this has been a help and encouragement to you, if you have any questions, you contact me on or [email protected]