There is an old saying (I never get it right) that a person can have an unsatisfied satisfaction, or an satisfied unsatisfaction. In other words they are satisfied but they want more. The key is to do all those things that will satisfy us spiritually. This will or should produce a desire for more. Our biggest challenge as believers is the temptation to settle down, and think we are doing ok ?
Sadly, it would seem many believers do not know how to experience spiritual satisfaction, so they put up with a mediocre defeated unsatisfied Christian life, or chase after the latest preacher with his “new” teaching, or chase after spiritual experiences that only satisfy short term if there are no strong spiritual foundations to build on.
Let us look at Jeremiah 31:10-14, there are numerous keys here that will increase our spiritual satisfaction.
v. 10 We need to develop a heart of thankfulness, and remind ourselves that we were scattered but Jesus the great Shepherd gathered us to Himself, we should think about the pit and the miry clay we were sinking into too, that we were in blindness and darkness but Jesus set us free. What a glorious salvation we have in Jesus Christ.
v.11 Do you regularly praise God that you have been redeemed (bought out of the slave market of sin) and that Jesus paid the ransom price, not with silver or gold but with His precious sinless blood. That satan no longer has any power over us. because Greater is He that is in us, than the evil one in the world. We are MORE than conquerors through Him that loves us with an everlasting love.
v.12. All these things produces such a song of praise in our hearts, the Prophet begins to list expressions of the Lord’s goodness to us.
(a) The Wheat, Our daily spiritual food from the Word of God
(b) New Wine, Thank God for the indwelling Holy Spirit.
(c) The Oil. the wonderful anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives
(d) A well watered garden, flourishing, fragrant, fruitful vibrant with life. A good garden requires the warmth of the sun (Son’s love) and the rain (of the Holy Spirit.
(e) We can continually know the “joy of the Lord which is our strength”
(f) We are as pure as a virgin, the past is forgiven and forgotten
(g) King David says “Goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life
(h) In Ps. 65:4 he tells us we shall be satisfied by the goodness of God’s house, thank God for the local church, and the Body of Christ. It is good to be part of the family of God
(I) Paul tells us in Rom. 2:4 it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Paul reminds us that it is only through God’s goodness and grace can we repent, both initially when we come to Christ and in our daily walk with the Lord.
v.14 God promises His Priests (you and I) He will fill us to the full, satiate (satisfy) our souls with abundance or fatness, and we will be SATISFIED WITH HIS GOODNESS.
Let me leave you with one final verse on this topic. Prov.14:14 b But a good man will be satisfied from above (himself). NKJV.
Where does satisfaction come from ABOVE.
How do we get it ? We must take it ourselves.
God’s banqueting table is spread before us, but unless you partake you will starve to death.
Let us draw near to God and he will draw near to us.
Let us work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Let us press toward the mark.
Let must seek FIRST the Kingdom (rule) of God. If we do these things.
I trust this blog encourages and bless you.