Category: Ministry Updates

24 September 2015


September, here in Australia ushers in a new season namely Spring. Winter is over and the weather is staring to warm up. The blossom & wattle are appearing everywhere. Solomon expresses it so well in his song 2:11-13 NKJV “For lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is […]

12 September 2015


We went to church Sunday morning 23/8th and then after lunch took a train to Melbourne to catch our flight to Copenhagen via Dubai. We had arranged 2 nights in a hotel to rest and deal with jet lag before we joined the cruise on Wednesday morning. We needed those 2 days plus a couple of days on the ship before the effects of the […]

4 August 2015


It is 5 weeks tomorrow since I had further surgery on my knee. I think I have written to say it “feels” different. I started some physio yesterday, that will assist as well. I am down to one arm crutch, and nothing around the house. I have started using my exercise bike, as well, so the swelling should continue to reduce. I felt well enough  […]

5 July 2015


I had my knee surgery late last Wednesday, and all reports indicate that it has been a success. So much so I was discharged on Saturday morning. I, of course still have post operative pain, which is being kept under control. I expect to start rehab. next week at the local hospital. I trust to graduate to a one arm crutch soon then the walking stick […]

19 June 2015


I want to say thanks for the great response to my recent blogs. I only write as the Lord lays something on my heart. My blogs will never be political, but simply a Shepherd’s expression to help God’s people be challenged, encouraged, edified, and at times make you think, even outside the box. We are living in such interesting, potentially difficult days for many believers, […]