Category: Prayer Requests

3 May 2022

PRAYER REQUEST to deal with my pain.

At 11.45 a.m. TODAY (Melbourne time) I have a phone consult with the pain Specialist, would you pray with me that the results from the MRI Scan will give the Specialist the answers he needs to deal with my constant pain. He had said that an injection or perhaps surgery could be the answer, I sure don’t want to undergo surgery unless it is the […]

31 March 2022

A PRAYER Request

It is 2 months since I have written a blog, I have had continual pain in my left knee which had made walking very difficult, When it is dealt with I will share more,please pray that I become 100% pain free. Thank you.

12 December 2021


It is 12 days since I have posted a blog to my website, mainly because I have been struggling with the “aging process,” with the aches and pains and lack of energy and strength that goes with it, so would appreciate your prayer support, I honestly don’t know what my body is really capable of these days, I sure want to be fruitful an effective, […]

15 September 2021


I love Vietnam, and love the Vietnamese people, what a privilege it has been to visit there 32 times. Now, through technology I will be visiting again through ZOOM. Next Thursday 23/9 at 1.30 pm VN time I will be be teaching on KNOWING AND EXPERIENCING OUR INHERITANCE AS A BELEIVER NOW, majoring on PROTECTING THE MIND. Could you please let me know you are […]

11 March 2021


I guess there is never a time when there are not prayer needs presented to us, either to do with people we know or other situations in the Body of Christ, or in the nations of the world that directly or indirectly effect the Church in that nation. Most of us are aware of the military coup that has taken place in Myanmar, some may […]