I trust you agree with me that the Word of God is ever enlarging and inspiring and wants to bless us as we spend time reading, and meditating, and praying “Lord turn the light on”. It truly is “the Bread of Life”. As I have grown older I have become far more aware of the challenge Paul gave to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH.
Over the years I have sadly seen many people (including ministry). misinterpret the Scriptures, and I am sure I have also been guilty of this. False cults have taken verses out of context and built movements on their error.
From memory in my final year in Bible College 1964, a new subject became part of the curriculum. called Hermenuitics which is “The Principles of Biblical Interpretation”. Oh that every believer knew these principles. It is so easy to take a verse/s out of context, and can make it say something that does not line up with the whole tenor of the Word of God.
The Bible was of course written in Hebrew (O.T.) Greek (N.T.) and every language has its unique way of expressing itself. I have written 2 blogs recently on the Greek Aorist tense (Present/Continuous) on Rom. 12:1 & Eph.5:18 highlighting this Greek tense, which is often overlooked or missed completely by Bible translators. I am very thankful I have a very dear friend of over 50 years who is a Greek Scholar, and we talk regularly, and his understanding has been such a blessing and help to me.
The burden of my heart is to see God’s people Biblically Discipled and growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a major key is clearly knowing and applying the Word of God in our lives.
An aspect of truth that I have mentioned numerous times in my blogs is the God’s so great Salvation, is just so much MORE than repenting and asking Jesus to come into our life. We NOW have access to A GLORIOUS INHERITANCE and can walk in victory and purity NOW, if we co-operate with the Word of God.
Part of our inheritance is THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD that is available to us.
I recently asked my friend if the Greek Aorist tense is found in Eph. 6:10-18, he quickly responded and I would like to share his comments with you. Remember when this tense is used in the Greek text, it is not a once off decision, but must become a lifestyle constant decision, that we do continually until we take our last breath.
Verse 11 PUT on the whole armour of God IT MUST BE A CONSTANT CHOICE, if we are to recognise and deal with the many tricks of the evil one. Although he was defeated (and knows it) through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, he still seeks to trespass and cause us to sin.
Verse 13 TAKE up the whole armour of God, and you can withstand every attack of the evil one.
Verse 14 STAND and wear the belt of Truth “God said it I believe it, that settles it”.
Verse 14 PUT on the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our heart in all things.
Verse 15 PUT peace on your feet, and choose to walk in the will of our Sovereign God, and proclaim by your life and lifestyle you are a NEW CREATION.
Verse 16 TAKE the Shield of Faith (remember Faith comes by hearing and obeying and confessing the Word of God).
Verse 17 TAKE (PUT ON) the Helmet of Salvation to constantly protect you from the sinful thoughts the enemy would seek to fill your mind.
Verse 17 TAKE The Sword of the Spirit which is the Rhema Word of God.
Please meditate on the above, may the Holy Spirit quicken it to your heart and mind, and learn to walk in your inheritance. I believe Paul is saying we must continually put on and use all 7 pieces of armour. If you have any comments or questions, please put them in the comments in the blog website. God bless you.