When you are young in years it is hard to live in the light of eternity, but when the years start to creep up on you, eternity takes on a whole different light.
The Apostle John in 1 John 5:13 reminds us that on the very day we were born again we were given the GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE, echoing the prophetic words of Solomon in Ecc. 3:11 that God has put eternity in our hearts. Paul tells us, we have our passports already as our “citizenship is in heaven” Phil.3:20.
I am becoming very conscious how close to eternity I am. It is like being in an auditorium and you see the door and the exit sign, and beyond the door, is being forever in the eternal presence of God. Like the Apostle Paul, I am happy to stay but just as happy to go. Please do not think I am feeling miserable or depressed, far from it, I am so enjoying life and the blessing of the Lord on my life, and the many opportunities I have to serve Him right now.
What is beyond that exit sign for me? It is physical death or is it the “catching away of the Church” when Jesus breaks through the clouds. I somehow feel that eithe are a real possibility in the not so distant future. I am thankful for the measure of health, I experience, of course, everything is slowly deteriorating, we don’t move as fast as we once did, there are aches and pains, many things do not work as well as they once did, but I am mobile and rejoice in the goodness and blessing of God.
The Word of God encourages us to “look up” as Christ’s return is ever nearer. I realise the early Church expected Christ to return in their generation, but there are so many signs that it could be soon, and we cannot help but express the late Andre Crouch’s words
It won’t be long when we’ll be leaving here, It won’t be long We’ll be going home, it won’t be long when we’ll be leaving here, we’ll be going home.
Count the years, count the years as months, count the months as weeks, and count the weeks as days Mmm any day now, we’ll be going home.
Behold, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know when Christ shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is, in all of His majesty, splendour and glory,.
We shall, we shall be like Him, Ohh, I know that we shall, we shall all be like Him, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, we shall be like Him any day now, We’ll be going home. Get ready, get ready, it won’t be long, we’ll be going home, It may be tomorrow, when we will be leaving here, you might be runnin’ from God right now, but remember, it won’t be long.
I have my passport, not because of anything I have done, but because of EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE, I have to stand before the Judgement Seat , and yes I have failed the Lord a thousand times, in a sense there are regrets because I knew better, but I ever came afresh to confess my sin, and He was faithful and just to forgive me (He was ever true to His Name, His Nature and His promises) and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9. I am wearing my robe of righteousness, and when the Father looks at me, He sees not what I used to be He sees Jesus Halelujah.
On Thursday I will celebrate my 75th birthday, none of my family have ever reached this age, in October I will celebrate 65 years as a born again believer. yes, I am really starting to live in the light of eternity. The sights from here are glorious, but to live in the light of eternity also means to continue to:
Work out my salvation with fear and trembling
To press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus
To draw near to God and He will draw near to me.
To walk and live in His divine power that gives me all things that pertain to life and Godliness.
To be instant in season and out of season
To my older readers, I trust this is your experience, to my younger readers don’t just live for the present, but seek to live in the light of eternity.