14 February 2017


By John Ollis

I guess like most if not all Christians, I love the writings of the Apostle Paul, his Theological training and the result of his conversion to Christ, the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit working in his life and ministry produced half of the New Testament and laid the foundation for the Early Church. Mentally I must confess to my shame I have often seen Peter in a different light, and although he became the leader and spokesman of the Apostolic Band on the day of Pentecost, I had always seen him as a burly (once even denying he even knew Jesus) not very educated fisherman. Interestingly, there are some Commentators who have questioned whether Peter actually wrote the Epistles known as 1st.& 2nd Peter because of the depth of Theology and truth in them. But like Paul it wasn’t primarily his Theological education but the illumination and revelation given to him by the Spirit. Every believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling them, thus we have a Tutor/Teacher on the inside that wants to “lead us into all truth”. So I am impressed by the Lord to write a series of blogs from Peter’s two epistles, and I trust they will be a blessing to you. Peter declares right from the start he is an Apostle (a sent one) of Jesus Christ, and on that basis he has an authority in God to write these letters, initially to these scattered believers, but also to believers in every generation until Jesus returns. Peter echoing the words of Paul describes those who receive these letters as ELECT (chosen by God), ACCORDING TO THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE FATHER, He saw them responding positively to the convicting and drawing power of the Holy Spirit. Each of the members of the Trinity are mentioned in verse 2, God’s choosing produced SANCTIFICATION (being set apart and made holy by THE HOLY SPIRIT , because of their obedience, and the cleansing power of the BLOOD OF THE JESUS CHRIST. From eternity past the Trinity has been working on our behalf to prepare us for a future in entity. Being elected meant that the believer receives an inheritance, (not only now in this world) but in eternity there is a pure and perfect inheritance RESERVED and awaiting for him as well. Part of the inheritance here on earth for every believer is that through the complete work of Christ’s death and resurrection we are KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD THROUGH FAITH FOR SALVATION, we are not falling away, we do not have to be permanently defeated, we can live in victory and holiness, and it finds its culmination when we meet Jesus in the air, and our redemption is in spirit, soul and body. All this should produce such a burst of praise from within us, Peter then immediately warns that “bad things do happen to good people” there will be trials and testings, all permitted by the Lord ( Paul says this in Rom.8:28) it is described as being tested by fire, just as precious metals are purified by fire, to deal with all the alloys and impurities so the metal is pure, in the end it will not put the spotlight on us, but the results will give PRAISE, HONOUR, AND GLORY AT THE REVELATION (the return) OF JESUS CHRIST. In the first seven verses of chapter one. PETER DECLARES WHAT A GLORIOUS SALVATION WE HAVE IN JESUS CHRIST.