19 September 2017


By John Ollis

Further to my another recent blog  regarding God opening a door for me through Intercessory prayer ministry. I began to meditate on a couple of awesome truths that were in the heart of God in eternity past.
Firstly, God knew Adam and Eve would sin, but in eternity past He created a plan, to deal with man’s sin, by sending His son Jesus, to take the father’s wrath and deal with God’s justice, and for Jesus to shed His sinless blood that we could be cleansed and forgiven.
Then I began to meditate on  what Paul’ called a  “mystery” . Again in eternity past God saw Believers when they are born again are placed in the Body of Christ  The Church. Then this Church would have millions of expressions in what we call the local church.
Every believer must be planted in a local church (there are no lone rangers in the Body of Christ). In that local church the believer finds
Discipleship so he can grow in grace
Teaching to help him understand what the Bible says and what the believer’s inheritance is in Christ.
Discipline if required
Fellowship and friendship
The New Testament local church is to be led by a plural team of Leaders (Elders), with a set man the captain or chief Elder or Pastor. These Elders set the vision for the church and their varying ministries working together seek to fulfil that God given Biblical vision.
But then, the Lord knew that local churches would need additional assistance by what I called travelling ministries (the Ephesians 4:11 fivefold ministry gifts). Let me start by saying that these 5 ministries, must also be planted in a local church, but the local leadership recognise they are gifts to the whole Body of Christ and are released to fulfil their special purpose of blessing and ministering to local churches. Even the local Pastor must be released from time to time to minister to other Pastors and local churches.
The New Testament APOSTLE had numerous local churches relating to him, seeking his guidance and wisdom and counsel,  Oh how local churches in the 21st century need to have Apostolic oversight, I don’t think denominational oversight is sufficient.
The New Testament PROPHET did not major in foretelling but telling forth such as , exhorting, encouraging, rebuking and speaking into the life of the local church. Oh how local churches need to recognise and relate and respond to the Prophet’s ministry.
The New Testament EVANGELIST had according to Eph. 4:12 a twofold ministry to be a “mass evangelist” and see many people come to Christ through the local church, but also to train God’s people to be “personal evangelists”. Oh how local churches need to recognise and utilise Evangelists. In my last church, no one on the Leadership Team was strong in evangelism, so two or three times a year, I would invite an evangelist to come and conduct a crusade in the local church, encouraging the people to bring their unsaved friends to church, being praying for them, and expecting them to respond to the Evangelist’s ministry. Lord raise up more “signs following Evangelists in our day.
The New Testament TEACHER is an awesome feeding ministry, often based in a Bible College or Seminary, but some also travel and minister in local churches and conferences. Oh how we need Bible teachers to clearly teach the Word of God in our day.
The New Testament PASTOR travel less than the other 4 ministries, but a wise mature Pastor can be such a blessing to other churches. Sadly, there are some who have the title of Pastor (often it is thought if you have graduated from Bible College, therefore you are a Pastor). The Pastor is a gift God places is a person He chooses, I actually know (or knew) some great Pastors who never attended Bible College,
There are those that teach that there are not 5 ministry gifts only 4 and that every Pastor should have a Teaching ministry as well. and in many cases this is true, I also know some exceptional Pastors who do not have a public speaking ministry, and I know some exceptional Teachers, who are not pastoral.
If we want to see the Church grow and GROW UP let us recognise these Ministry Gifts in the Church AMEN