15 May 2020


By John Ollis

in just over 2 weeks on June 1st WINTER officially begins here in our region. Although there has been signs of season change for some weeks. The leaves on our trees have been falling and the tree are now almost bare. We have already had some cold days, it was less than 1 degree C. here this morning, Seasons are very much a normal part of our lives and world and I guess often we start to see some changes beginning, and I guess other times it may happen almost over night.

We are all in the COVID-19 season at the moment, and most of us were surely blindsided when it began and developed over the world. There are some  positive changes that we can see, but I think most of us realise we will be in this season (in one way or another) for quite some time.

I have written previously that our God is sovereign, and He has not been surprised by all that is taking place in our world. I am reminded of Daniel’s words in Dan. 2:21 NKJV

And He changes the times and the seasons;

NLT He controls the course of world events;

MESSAGE He changes the seasons and guides history,

Not only does our Lord change the seasons in our world system, but I am glad He is TOTALLY INVOLVED in the various seasons in our lives and particularly my (OUR) spiritual seasons.

These last few months have not been the most stimulating as far as a spiritual season is concerned, and I have been crying out to the Lord and seeking answers and asking Him to bring about change. I sure know God’s timing is so often so different to mine as I want change NOW, but I am glad to say that I am now seeing changes in the season I am in and I want to record my thanks to the Lord.

To me the most exciting change (that I had been praying about) is the increase in the conscious awareness of His presence, we know at times He seems to withdraw the conscious evidence of His presence (although we know He is always there), but to know in an awesome way His tangible presence being manifest is our life is indescribable.

Just over 2 weeks ago I discovered (and wrote about) an international Leader that we all know or know of and that at the beginning of the year wrote a 2020 FAITH DECREE, I decided to write my own and included it in the blog.  It has been since then that I have begun to see change in my season. I don’t know whether it was because I wrote my FAITH DECREE and confessed it that caused something to happen in the Heavenlies, but so many areas that I included has begun to see change.

I declared Jesus was my Jehovah Rapha, and some health concerns have already begun to change. I declared Jesus was  my Jehovah Jireh, and I have seen Him wonderfully meeting some needs I had prayed about.

I declared that I wanted to see increase in the three areas of ministry that I am currently involved with.

MENTORING: in the last week I have been approached by a number of  (overseas) people asking about mentoring and whether I could be involved with them

INTERCESSION : The Lord has sure been responding and answering and  prayer.

WRITING/BLOGGING: I am getting some awesome responses to my writings, for which I truly thank the Lord.

I have felt that my public ministry had come to an end but 2 things have happened in the last 48 hours.

  • I have been asked by a Church Support Ministry if I would consider conducting an on-line Bible Study
  • I have been asked to preach in Singapore on May 24 (via ZOOM) which I have after prayer accepted the invitation, your prayer support will be much appreciated.

Some will say, this is all just because of co-incidence or other situations caused by Covid-19. I do not know why except that I serve a God :


So let me ask you some questions:

  •  What sort of season are you in at this time?
  •  Do you see any signs of the season changing?
  •  Do you recognise the Lord has been using this season to do a work of grace in your life?
  • Have you been responding to the Lord’s moving and dealings?
  • Have you been praying for change of seasons.
  •  Have you in everything been giving thanks?

Be encouraged, our God is in control, He knows what we need, and how much we can handle, trust Him to lead you into a new season of blessing and fruitfulness.