If you follow my blogs (even just to some degree) you will notice that I have not been posting much recently. Primarily it has been because I have been quite unwell with a reaction to increased pain medication from my G.P. I decided to stop taking it (because of the reaction) and the withdrawal effects have been difficult to say the least. Only after about 18 days did I start to break through, and am now getting close to normal (for a 79 year old), your prayers regarding the pain level would be appreciated.
I wrote some time ago that I believed the pandemic was a wake up call to the Church and to every single believer. The Lord sure started talking and challenging me (and I will get back to that soon)t, so I have blogged about the individual Believer, but feel I must now start spotlighting the Church.
In the last week for example a currently serving Salvation Army officer here in Australia has written “AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SALVATION ARMY” crying out for the Army to return to its roots and for it to be a channel of revival to the nation.
Some readers know I was born again in T.S.A. at the age of 10, and remained with them, for over 10 years when the Lord led me into the Pentecostal experience and ministry, so I have a very personal soft spot for T.S.A.
I love Church History, and we see over the centuries what has happened to Denominations and local churches, It has been described this way.
1.Usually a church starts as a result of a MOVE OF GOD.
2. The church grows into a MOVEMENT
3. Sadly historically, it slows declines into a MONUMENT,
4. Unless there is change (which hardly ever happens), it becomes a MAUSOLEUM.
From New Testament times, it seems by the third generation, the people even in the church are starting to call out WHERE IS THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB?
There are two ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES that we must learn, and their roots are clearly have their birth in the Old Testament.
The Children of Israel especially in their wilderness journeys were told and trained to HAVE AN EYE FOR THE CLOUD, when the glory cloud above the Tabernacle lifted up, they had to pack up their goods, get into family and tribe positions and when the cloud moved THEY FOLLOWED THE CLOUD.
We read 7 times in Rev. 3+4 HE THAT HAS AN EAR TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO THE CHURCH, sadly churches sets up a bureaucracy, and a system and (set their eyes and “heart” on it) this becomes the official pattern and tradition, and God is not enquired of nor considered in their planning.
The 2nd Principle, we see is expressed in God’s words to Moses and King David, that He wanted them (and us) to build a House for Him (Tabernacle/Temple) but it must be ” ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN” which is clearly found in the Word of God, (both as individual Believers and the Church) so we MUST CONTINUE TO OR RETURN TO BEING MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BOOK, and constantly seek the Lord in prayer for His guidance and James 1:5 NKJV is more relevant today than ever If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
So what is the answer, Jeremiah challenges us in 1:16 NKJV
Stand in the ways and see,
And ASK for the old paths, where the GOOD WAY is,
AndWALK in it;
Then you will find REST for your souls.
I believe the Holy Spirit is using the pandemic to call the Church back to the old paths, that we again have an “eye for the cloud, and commit ourselves to build God’s house “according to the pattern of the word of God”.
A Mausoleum church rejects virtually every major truth in the Word of God, and embraces the clear prohibitions of the Word, like same sex marriage, euthanasia, and I could go on listing them.
May the Holy Spirit search our hearts, convict us and give us the grace that we desperately need, to repent, and return to the “old paths” and as we seek to BUILD GOD’S HOUSE GOD’S WAY, WE WILL SEE GOD RESULTS AMEN.