In August Margaret celebrated her 80th birthday, last month I celebrated my 79th birthday, and this month I celebrate 69 years a born again Christian, On the second Sunday in October 1951 at the end of the Company Meeting (Sunday School) at the Bentleigh Melbourne Salvation Army I went forward and knelt at the Penitent Form (Mercy Seat) and asked Jesus to come into my life.
Once a quarter on the 1st Sunday in the month, the Salvation Army have or had what they called “Decision Sunday” in their Sunday School program. I had not attended that first Sunday as their was a “Military Tattoo” at the local football field (which was actually quite close to the S.A.) I remember creeping past the S.A. hall hoping I would not be seen). I just wanted to see all that military hardware etc.
I thank God for my Sunday School teacher who happened to be the C.O.’s wife that although it was a week past “Decision Sunday’ when I attended the next Sunday, she told me all my class mates had made a decision for Christ and asked me if I would like to be saved that day I said yes, not fully understanding what it was all about.
All I know is that when I prayed the “Sinner’s Prayer” something happened in my life that day that is more real to me today than it was 69 years ago, I was translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, old things passed away and I became a “new creation”.
What a journey it has been, just a few years later receiving a “call to ministry” then going to Bible College, being introduced to the truth of being filled with the Spirit and being able to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit including being able to “speak in tongues”. The Lord giving me a life partner who has stood by me as we have worked together in the Lord.
Over 20 years of Pastoral ministry, around 30 + years of Bible College Teaching Ministry and and ministering in at least 25 different countries around the world, at least 32 times to Vietnam for example, living in Singapore for over 2 years, I have truly lived the dream.
Sadly, I have failed the Lord many times for which I blame no one but myself, I thank the Lord for His grace and forgiveness, and continue to rejoice in this journey with Him.
The Jews celebrated their Feasts annually, Passover, Pentecost & Tabernacles and the Church celebrates Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday, Pentecost, and Believers are encouraged to slow down and meditate on these great anniversaries.
I am going to deliberately spend some time this week especially contemplating and meditating on that day my name was written in The Lamb’s Book of Life, and received the Gift of Eternal life, plus the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of blessings and revelations from His Word that I have received since that Sunday in October 1951.
I have not the slightest doubt THE BEST IS YET TO COME.