It is Monday 21st December here, just four days to Christmas. We will never forget what a horrendous year 2020 has been, I am sure there is hardly a person on this planet that has not been effected in some way by the pandemic. Our adjoining state has had a fresh outbreak, and our borders are basically closed. We in Australia have not been effected to the same degree as many nations, although we still do not have a vaccine approved yet.
I visited KMart last week with Margaret and saw numerous people pushing trolley loads of goods being taken out of the store and I guess most were presents for Christmas. The thing that saddens me is that Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas seems to be totally forgotten.
We all know the saying LET’S PUT CHRIST BACK INTO CHRISTMAS, what an opportunity we have this year, with all the various restrictions and limitations to do just that. Let us keep our Christmas simple and truly CHRIST CENTRED.
Although I have been a Christian for 69+ years, these last few years have really brought me to see how wonderful GOD’S SO GREAT SALVATION truly is.
I was not brought up in a Liturgical church setting, so I never heard much about ADVENT, I now see how our Church Fathers needed to remind God’s people about the birth, the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the coming of the holy Spirit into Believers lives, as human beings WE NEED TO BE REMINDED OVER AND OVER AGAIN BECAUSE WE FORGET SO SOON. Christmas has become such a time of busyness, feasting, celebration, reunion, and yet Jesus cannot be found in it all. “I am sorry Lord if I have ever treated your birth like that, help me ever to remember the truth and reality of your coming into our world so that we could be reconciled to our Heavenly Father Amen”.
So this simple blog is just a reminder to all my readers, to keep the Lord Jesus Christ front and centre in all our activities this weekend, and of course EVERY DAY may we “Seek the Kingdom of God ABOVE ALL ELSE, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”.
May I wish you a very blessed Christmas and I pray 2021 will be an awesome year of experiencing the CONTINUAL GOODNESS OF GOD.