2 January 2021


By John Ollis

Most of us would know the saying HINDSIGHT IS 20/20 VISION, meaning we can look back over our life and see how the ups and downs of life have all been shaped and ultimately guided by the Lord, to bring us to where we are today.

At the beginning of a New Year, it is good to sit down and not only look back, but set goals and plans for this coming year. A Ministry I follow reminded me of this important truth so I have done just that.

For me I believe as I enter 2021 it is the time to recognise I have been in TRANSITION, and it is time to embrace it and be committed to it.

Life, is of course filled with TRANSITIONS, and I am going to list my many transitions for both my readers and my benefit.

My first TRANSITION is clearly expressed in Col. 1:13 NLT For He has rescued us (ME) from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. At age 10 I was soundly born again of the Spirit, and my life was changed for ever.

My second TRANSITION when at around 14 years old, I received my call into Ministry, from that day on, I had one desire and one plan to fulfil the will of God for my life.

My third TRANSITION was entering Bible College to study the Word of God and to learn to preach the Word of God, this I have done for nearly 60 years Praise the Lord.

My fourth TRANSITION was entering Pastoral Ministry, and to seek to “feed the flock of God” I believe my primary Ministry Gift is that of a Shepherd.

My fifth TRANSITION was ending my single life and entering into marriage, with Margaret, this has been been nearly 56 years of blessing and growth, I thank God every day that she is in my life.

My sixth TRANSITION was being invited to take over an inner city church in Sydney, and see it grow for 40 to 200, this was a major change in our lives, but the highlight (for me) was a Singaporean (who had migrated to Sydney) coming into the church, and challenging me about the needs of the church in Asia, this was the start Of a MISSIONS BURDEN that included during our years there in Sydney ministry opportunities in Singapore, Malaysia,Fiji and P.N.G. that burden would eventually consume my life.

My seventh TRANSITION was moving to Newcastle, and seeing a church grow from 40 to 400, this was an exciting time, as we embraced what the Holy Spirit was doing around the world in the Charismatic Renewal, My MISSIONS BURDEN continued to grow with ministry in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and India.

My eighth TRANSITION was such a shock and surprise to us, as I was invited to join the Faculty of Commonwealth Bible College in Katoomba N.S.W. As well as lecturing I was asked to be the Dean of Men, and given the responsibility of Discipling and Mentoring young men in preparation for ministry. Way back in the 70″s there was a Prophetic word given that I would Mentor young men. and we actually had over 50 young men in the church in Sydney. We actually had started a “Timothy Class” in Newcastle but this area of truth was all still new territory for me. I was also given the responsibility of the College Missions Fellowship, and the “poor” students raised many thousands of dollars for Missions. During the College breaks I was released to minister in various nations in Asia, I began ministering to the “underground” church in Vietnam, and eventually went 32 times to teach there.

My ninth TRANSITION was again “out of the blue” when I was invited to become the Principal of our College in Singapore, I realised my 11 years at Katoomba had been great training to fulfil this role. It was a contract position and during our two years there, I was able to purchase a property for the College and introduce a 3 year BTh. program. I continued to minister as time permitted across Asia.

My tenth TRANSITION was returning to Australia and being asked to join the Faculty of Hillsong International Leadership College, to teach and also to be Dean of Pastoral Care, so again Discipling and mentoring young men for Ministry. This continued for almost 6 years, until I was prophesied over that I had a dream, and it was time it was fulfilled, I resigned at the end of the term.

My eleventh TRANSITION was stepping out in faith (to fulfil my dream), and virtually I was full time itinerating and teaching throughout South Asia, which was perhaps the highlight of all my years in ministry, We also looked after a church in Singapore for three months. I have had the privilege over the years of teaching and preaching in 25 different nations

During this period we moved interstate to live in a “Retirement Village”, which was a important step in the journey.

Health issues began to intrude into my travels, and I started to reduce the overseas travels, but still maintain limited travel until 2018.

As I could travel less I began expressing myself in writing, and have now written about 1200 blogs. I also became aware of the Lord leading me into a Ministry of Intercession, and I began spending more time Mentoring, and a lot less time Preaching and Teaching.

My twelfth TRANSITION was when I came to see, and come to terms with that my ministry was ever decreasing from a public to a basically “private” non pulpit ministry.

I have recorded quite fully my journey and transitions, so you can see how the Lord over the years “created” many situations, there were some I was slow to recognise, but eventually “got the message” and I thank God for His grace and mercy and goodness over these past almost 70 years of walking with Him,

2021 commences what I see (at this time) as my final TRANSITION, (before the Lord’s return, or my move to heaven) and I want to see and am believing for an ever increasing anointing and enabling on my BLOGGING, INTERCESSION & MENTORING. I do not expect to stand in a pulpit again, I believe I have entered a NEW SEASON OF MINISTRY.

So, here are my GOALS FOR 2021.

1, More Believers being blessed and encouraged through my Blogging.

2, For the Lord to deepen, and teach me more about Intercessory Prayer.

3. That my Mentoring Ministry will produce more fruit in people’s lives.

4. That I may be able TO RAISE UP 10 MENTOR/TRAINERS, who believe that it is essential to walk with either a new Believer, or a young Ministry (FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES ) until that person comes to maturity.

I am and always will be committed to the truth that every Believer must be “planted” in a local church, and as long as the Lord gives me health and strength we will continue to serve with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

I am so aware that Paul was committed to Mentoring as we read in 2 Tim. 2:2 NKJV And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. He had many spiritual sons, that continued his ministry after his death, I so want to raise up more “sons” who will WALK WITH A NEW BELIEVER, UNTIL IT BELOMES A LIFESTYLE, and equally, TO RAISE UP MENTORS TO WALK WITH YOUNG MINISTRIES.

In conclusion, will you pray with and for me, that as I commit myself to this new TRANSITION, I will follow through in every way, will you also pray that the Holy Spirit will give me “sons who I can train up in this ministry,

If you would like more information or want to comment on all the above you can write to me at [email protected], or if you could whatsapp me on +61417458230, I look forward to hearing from you.