My Blog Master tells me this is my 1199th blog, since I began blogging in 2012. I want to take the opportunity today to give much thanks and praise to the Lord for His goodness and blessing upon me and Margaret in our marriage and in our ministry. Much I will write today will have been mentioned in previous blogs, but I feel it is time to give a full testimony to the leading and blessing of the Lord that has been our experience.
I came to Christ almost 70 years ago as a 10 year old boy, it was a life changing experience, this took place at the end of a Sunday School class at the local Salvation Army hall. At around 14 I received my call to the Ministry., this became the driving passion of my life to see it fulfilled. Two Pentecostal ladies began attending the Salvation Army, and I started meeting them for prayer, and one night by my bedside, I began to pray in unknown tongues, this was another life changing experience. Soon after I was baptized in the local river, this also was life changing, as I had been taught it was not necessary.
I began my Theological training in the Salvation Army, but during the 2nd year had some health issues and I withdrew from study and began attending the local Pentecostal church, where I met Margaret. I then attended the National A.o.G. College and graduated in December 1964. Margaret and I were married in May 1965, I was already pastoring my first church, again there were some health issues and we returned to Melbourne. In 1968 I began pastoring a pioneer situation where we saw much growth and blessing. In 1970 we accepted a call to a small country church in the Blue Mountains, again we saw much blessing. In February 1973 we accepted a call to an inner city church in Sydney where we served for 7 years, and saw the church grow from from 40 to 200.
We then received a call to a church in a large regional city in N.S.W. which had really suffered in many ways, we saw the church grow from 40 to 400. After 7 years, we received a call that (in many ways) came as a complete surprise to us, I was invited to become a Lecturer at the National A.o.G. College, where we served for 11 years, and had the privilege of investing into the lives of 100’s of students who went out to do great things for the Lord. I was appointed Dean of Men and Margaret Dean of Women, where my burden for Biblical Discipleship really increased, I was also invited to head the College Missions program, and had the privilege of going to many nations of the world teaching the Word of God (often taking students with me) (25 nations in total) I was functioning as Vice Principal when we received an invitation to become the Principal of the Singapore A.o.G .National College where we served under contract for two years. I had met the A.o.G. Superintendent over 20 years earlier on my first Missions trip in Asia and he “happened” to be visiting our College. At the conclusion of our contract we returned to Australia and served at Hillsong International Leadership College for almost 6 years.
As the result of very clear direction from the Lord I resigned from Hillsong College and began to itinerate (for up to 3 months at a time with Margaret’s full blessing) throughout South East Asia and Eastern Europe. This continued for at least 10+years,we were becoming aware somewhat of the aging process and had moved back to our home state into a Retirement Village, and I continued itinerating for another 6 years.
I trust, you can see the Lord’s leading in my life, firstly, my conversion, my call to Ministry, my Pastoral Ministry, my Teaching Ministry and then my Itinerating Ministry.
Then in hindsight, I can see the awesome leading of the Lord for us to return to our home state, and for the first time in almost 30 years, I had the opportunity to begin fellowshipping with some very dear Evangelical Pastors, the Lord has used these brethren to prick my “Pentecostal bubble”) although I would have said I had a vision for the Body of Christ, in reality I definitely wore “Pentecostal blinkers”, this plus having more time to spend in the Word of God these past 12+ years have again been life changing, I sure thank God for the literally 1000’s of students I have had the privilege to invest in throughout the world, the Holy Spirit, has led me into a much broader appreciation of His Word and truth, and this has been liberating.
During this time, I began blogging, (now 1199),I have more time to spend with the Lord, and He has taught me so much about the life of Prayer, even though I still feel a novice, and the opportunity I now have to spend time in Intercession for the Nations, and for many whom I have taught and are doing great things for the Lord. It would seem my Preaching days are over, but still have some opportunity using Whatsapp to Mentor young ministries.
My almost only regret (over the years) was the lack of Biblical Discipleship when I came to Christ, sadly, I had to learn the painful way through defeat and struggle to learn to walk in victory and holiness.
In a few weeks I will turn 80 years old, what an exciting blessed journey the Lord has taken us in, and by His grace will continue to press on ever forward and press in to His presence and purposes whilst I still have breath.
I am sure there will be things i should have mentioned, but here is an overview of God taking a wretched sinner, and using him for His honour and glory.