5 September 2013


By John Ollis

I have conducted in Asia a seminar on Keys to a long term ministry (oR how to finish well). This may become a series of blogs in the future, but is not the series I want to commence next week. I feel impressed to simply share and remind you today of some essentials in your daily walk with the Lord.

I messaged an old student on Facebook this morning who is developing an excellent itinerating ministry. I reminded him of an old Evangelical/Pentecostal saying.


If there is anything I have learnt over the years is the danger of going into “auto pilot” going through the motions, doing all the right things, but in reality trying to do it in my own strength.

We live in a generation that seems so busy (despite all our so called labour saving devices and assistance). We MUST learn to slow down and smell the roses, appreciate God’s creation and recharge our physical batteries. We also live in a generation where we don’t like being too organised. I have learnt the hard way if I don’t organise my private world, I accomplish so little of eternal value, and if I don’t arrange to spend quality time with the Lord every day, I slip into the mindset of doing things (and often failing) in my own strength. We sure make sure our smart phone is regularly charged (because we now live in a world that says we simply cannot live without our phone with all its apps!!!!!!

I am coming to the place (by God’s grace alone) that I simply want to get alone with the Lover of my soul. We sang many years ago “I keep falling in love with Jesus over and over again” may it not be simply hype but the true expression of our souls.

Part of spending and enjoying time in the presence of God is spending time in the Word of God. Not reading as a text book, but seeing it as God’s banqueting table, despite how good the Sunday morning sermon may be, that will only feed us temporarily. WE must want to just love to spend time in the Word. Remember one of my favourite scriptures spoken by James “We have not because we ask not”  I need the Lord’s help (and I am sure you do too) to maintain my hunger for the word of God.

I said to a Pastor in Indonesia some years ago, “you must teach your people to feed themselves”. I was saddened by his response, “that is an interesting concept”.

Can I remind you again if you have a Prayer Language it is meant to be used, DAILY) not just for praise and worship, but intercession, warfare. and as Paul says as you do it you are edifying yourself.

Let us often also read good Christian books too that will encourage and challenge us.

This very day, I am watching and listening to a series of messages preached by a eev. David Cook (until recently the Principal of a quality Bible College in Sydney Australia). The messages are from the recent Easter Convention at Belgrave Heights near Melbourne.

The series is on the Book of Romans. and my soul has been so fed, and I have been so blessed. Sadly we need to be reminded, not only that all have sinned and missed the mark, but that we have been totally justified (declared not guilty) through the awesome sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and His precious blood has washed away our sin, and we can “come boldly (at any time) to the Throne of grace, and find grace and help.

His Grace brought us into the Kingdom of God, His grace keeps us in the Kingdom of God, and it is His grace alone that will take us into His eternal Kingdom.


What a glorious salvation we have, let us as the psalmist says “love our Salvation” but also never let us take it for granted. Lord help us never to slip into “cheap grace” but live in the awesome inheritance we have in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

As you read and meditate on this blog, may it not only bless you but encourage you to press in and enjoy your Salvation more and more.

I have one prayer request today, you have probably heard the saying “Lord give me patience and give it to me NOW. I told you that the surgeon wants to schedule my surgery as soon as possible, I am impatient and want it NOW. Pray with me that I will relax and be patient and leave it all in the Lord’s hands.