The reality is that much of the success (spiritually) we can have in 2014 lies very much with us. It is so easy to be passive and just float along and not be aggressive and hungry for more of God in our lives. There is also the danger of simply putting up with stuff in our lives and making excuses, like “my father was bad tempered its in my genes” We are going to be looking at a list of blemishes (defects) that disqualified the O.T. Priesthood, we as N.T priests don’t have to put up with them, as the cause of all our blemishes was dealt with on the cross and we have no excuse. Solomon talked about “the little foxes that spoiled the vines”, whether our foxes are small or large, let us deal with them in 2014 so we can truly be the people god wants us to be.
The first defect is found in Lev. 21.18 BLINDNESS
You would think automatically that if a priest was blind of course he could not function in ministry, but the picture in the Hebrew is narrow constricted vision (similar to blinkers that are put on a horse’s head t stop it being distracted. Let us look at this in different ways.
1. What is your vision for your personal life ? If you are still working, are you just happy to keep on going the way you are going? Could you upgrade your qualifications and improve your work life ? If you are retired, what is your vision ? Do you just get up in the morning plod along all day and go to bed at night ? Our latter years can be very fruitful and fulfilling, what ministry/ies could you do during the week relating to your local church / Could you volunteer and do community work ?
2. What is your vision for your spiritual life ?Do you have a disciplined Prayer and bible reading life ? do you get excited every day about spending time with the Lover of your soul ? Remember we have not because we ask not, ask the Lord to increase your hunger and desire for Him.
3. What is your vision for your marriage ? God so wants to make our marriage a happy blessed experience, we men need to understand how importance our role is. I believe the success of my marriage lies with me, but again we often settle for second best
4. What is your vision for your local church ? Many people are simply happy for the church to be small, that is so selfish, God wants EVERY CHURCH TO GROW, BOTH SPIRITUALLY AND NUMERICALLY, what are you doing to see that come to pass.
5. Do you have a vision for revival ? Many churches are getting smaller by the month, and we make excuses, when we need to see God still wants to pour our His spirit on the earth and see millions come to Him.
If you have narrow constricted vision God wants to rip the blinkers off, so we will see how He wants us to see.
My prayer is that every believer will have 20/20 vision and not be disqualified.