4 March 2015


By John Ollis

There is nothing unmanly or effeminate about a  strong manly man saying Jesus I love you.
In Romans 5:5 Paul tells us that when we are born again “the love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and can’t help but fall in love with Jesus.
We would sing years ago
I keep falling in love with Him over and over again
I keep falling in love with Him over and over again
He gets sweeter as the days go by
Oh what a love between my Lord and I
I keep falling in love with Him over and over again.
In 1918 Edward H Joy penned the words
1. Jesus, tender lover of my soul,
pardoner of my sins, and friend indeed,
Keeper of the garden of my heart,
Jesus Thou art everything to me.
2. What to me are all the joys of earth?
What to me is every sight I see,
Save the sight of Thee, O friend of mine?
Jesus Thou art everything to me.
3. Here I lay me at Thy bleeding feet,
Deepest homage now I bring to Thee,
Hear the whispered love within my heart
Jesus Thou art everything to me
Jesus Thou art everything to me
Jesus Thou art everything to me
All my lasting joys are found in Thee
Jesus Thou art everything to me.
We who are married know we must keep our marriage  fresh, not only by telling our spouse regularly that we love them, but prove we love them, by the practical ways we show that love.
The love that God has poured into our heart can be dammed up, and stop flowing, because of sin, laziness, taking God for granted, abusing His grace, and many other ways. We must keep “short accounts” with the Lord, and maintain that freshness in our hearts by:
Daily Prayer (which includes)
Repentance & Confession
Petition (praying for ourselves
We must spend time in God’s Word and let Him speak to us, and let the Logos word become a Rhema word.
We must spend time with God’s people socially and corporately in church.
We must be busy serving the Lord with the gifts He has given us.
Can you say today Jesus I”I love you with all my heart, and live to serve you “.
Lord help us, not only to fall in love, but keep falling in love Amen.