But, it is not yet May you say. Well it is going to be crazy month for us and I thought I would write seeking your prayer support. I will not be writing any more blogs about revival , but it has become the passion of my heart. I am pleased to write that some of the pastors agree we need to start meeting for prayer, so that is a start. Who knows what will be the result.
Now what is so significant about May?
We celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary on the 8th May. The weekend before we fly to Sydney to celebrate with our children and our grandchildren. Then on the 10th we celebrate with our church family and renew our wedding vows.
Then on Thursday 14th we fly to Singapore (overnight) then fly onto Semarang Indonesia, preach on the Sunday, then on the Monday commence some 27 hours of teaching (to around 350 students) for the week, My topics are: Discipleship, Leadership & Mentoring.
We fly to Jakarta on the Saturday preach on the Sunday, then on the Monday commence 15 hours of teaching for the week. My assigned topic is “Keys to a long term ministry”. Then preach the following Sunday, and fly to Singapore on the Monday for another week, some ministry but particularly catching up with friends.
This is the first time in over two years I have ventured out of Australia for teaching ministry. You can appreciate with the teaching and preaching load it will be quite a heavy time. I am seeing this as a real test to see whether I can continue overseas ministry. I sincerely trust so.
I am very thankful for the numerous opportunities locally, but want to continue with some overseas ministry if physically I can handle it.
Thus my prayer request. If you have an Intercession prayer list would you especially add me to your list from 1st May through to 8th June please? If not record it somewhere and please pray for us.
Please pray for :
A fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit on the Teaching & Preaching
Physical strength
Journeying mercies.
Just today I received a message from a past student from over 10 years (who I also Mentored) thanking me for my ministry to them. I am humbled to say I have many hundreds of sons in numerous countries I have had the privilege of teaching and mentoring. With God’s enabling I want to be able to continue so ask for your prayers God bless you.
May you have a blessed weekend in the House of the Lord.