As well as yesterday’s blog I also sent short posts on Facebook, Blackberry Messenger and Whatsapp, relative to John Knox’s statement “Give me Scotland or I die”. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I have not had many responses to either the WordPress blog or these other posts.
I guess deep down I realise that although we want revival, we don’t want to pay the cost.
I understand William Booth the Founder of The Salvation Army said, he would like to dangle all his officers over hell so they would get a vivid understanding and reality of eternal separation from God.
We sure want the blessing, and the nice feelings, but not be willing to agonise in the presence of God for lost souls.
I did receive one great response from one of my Blackberry Messenger friends. He is a top class Interpreter and we work well together, and will again in just a few weeks time in Indonesia. He asked “How do you get the passion that John Knox had ?
My reply was this, Only God can put the passion in our heart, so as He promised “we have not because ask not” so we must ask and keep on asking until God sees we are willing to pay the price including our own life if necessary to see a town, a city our nation come to Christ.
We really know so little about the Ministry of Intercession, yes, we pray intercessory prayers, but have never wrestled with God like Jacob, we have never lost a night’s sleep praying for the lost. Most of us have never even missed a meal and spent the time praying. Sadly, some people if they do fast (that is miss a meal) they think that there is something magical about that, It is prayer and fasting that sees people set free. (not just missing a meal).
This is the first time in my Christian experience (of over 60 years) I have really been stirred in my heart regarding revival. Only whilst in hospital last year, did I start spending more time interceding for people. I have a sister who I have not seen for many years (she considers me “the black sheep of the family because I became a Christian). I do not even know what country she is living in. she moved to the U.K. some years ago. I have since been daily praying for her since then that the Lord would send someone across her path to share the good news with her. I know in my mind she is going to hell unless she repents, but I still do not have the passion of John Knox for her lost soul.
I do not know any other way to get this passion, but sit down and count the cost, and start asking the Lord to give it me.
Will you pray with me, that I get this passion please? Are you willing to sit down and count the cost and ask the Lord to give you this passion?
I am not condemning you, so please do not see this blog as a criticism, but as I have shared my heart with you, we may start on a journey together that could change the face of our world.