Like the disciples who said “to whom else can we go, only You have the words of eternal life” King David, became a man of prayer because he knew that God was the only source from which he could get an answer, In verse 1 he confesses he is needy (Message Bible a miserable wretch). We must maintain this attitude that “without God we can do nothing”, yes we have this glorious access into His presence continually, but let us never lean on the arm of the flesh and think we can do anything in our own strength.. David had an awareness of how God saw him he declared , I am holy, I have lived a good life. Many people including Preachers put David down, because of his adultery with Bathsheba, but the Word of God says 1 Kings 15:5 David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. We know David greatly repented (Psalm 51) As far as God was concerned what happened in the past was forgiven and forgotten, you and me have made mistakes in the past and sinned against God, but they are forgiven and forgotten and under the blood of Jesus.
In verse 5 David knew from experience that God is ever ready to forgive, I love the Message statement “you are well known as good and forgiving, big hearted to ALL WHO ASK FOR HELP”. I put the last words in capitals, as we must ask for, 1 John 1:9 reminds us “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just (true to His Name, His nature and His promises) to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. It is totally true that every sin, past, present and future was forgiven and dealt with on the Cross, but WE MUST ask for forgiveness when we fail the Lord after we become believers.
David learnt to pray not just because he knew the weaknesses in his life, but David also learnt to be a worshipper (The sweet Psalmist of Israel), he declares there is no god like the true and living God, and His works are incomparable. He alone is truly great and does wondrous things. The Message says, O Lord ready to put your beauty on display, parading your greatness, and the great things you do, God, you’re the one, there’s no one but You. verses 9 &10). Our prayer life will always be limited and unfulfilling unless we become worshippers.
As New Covenant believers we have the Divine Teacher indwelling us, and leading us into all truth, David prays (v.11) teach me your way (train me to walk straight) I’ll follow the true path. The writer to Hebrews tells us God writes His laws in our heart, and we of course find them in the Word as we read and meditate.
David continues “Unite my heart (v.11) our hearts can be divided between what we want to do and what we know God wants us to do. Could David also be saying Unite my heart with your heart Lord, and with an undivided heart I will worship you in spirit and in truth, God, I want to know your heart for your Church, for the lost, for the nations.
David did not see God as angry despotic ruler, but a “God full of compassion (immense in love), and gracious, longsuffering (never gives up on us) and abundant in mercy and truth. (verse v.15) What an awesome God we love and serve.
In verse 17 David asks for a sign “Make a show of how much You love me, so the bullies who hate me will stand there slack jawed as you God gently and powerfully put me back on my feet (Message v:16-17). May we have such a testimony that when people look at us, they say, he sure could not have done that himself, it must be his God.
This Psalm is so full of truth, and can really help us in our prayer life, as in all honesty we can relate to David and his life so much. May this simple meditation be a blessing to you.