22 December 2015


By John Ollis

Those who read my blogs, know that I seek to encourage, and instruct, and at times challenge people to re-assess where they are at.
We are in the midst of the “silly season” and I couldn’t help but ask myself some questions. Have we missed the truth about Christmas and lost the plot? I mentioned in a recent blog, that  by the end of the 4th century the Church Fathers, felt to promote the period of advent for 2 reasons.

  1. The joy of celebrating the birth of Christ
  2. To have a penitential spirit regarding the second coming of Christ.

Even Christians seem to think this season is an excuse to over indulge in an orgy of eating and drinking (incuding excess alcohol), and Jesus is not high on the equation.
then there are the various church Christmas productions, that sure include the birth of the Christ child, but all the other “stuff” in the production although quite professional are very much a copy of the way the world does things. Do we have to copy the world to be contemporary ? The Holy Spirit is the creative genius in the universe and he indwells His people, He can give us awesome creative ways to present the Gospel without having to copy the world.
There will be those who when they read this, will say John  Ollis has lost the plot, but I think the Lord is grieved at so much that He sees that now falls under the heading of Christmas.
The Church is being deceived if they think they are bringing a clear message of what Christ’s birth really means. Then remember Jesus is coming back for a Church that is “without spot, or blemish or wrinkle”. We need to get back to the basics, and re-affirm Jesus is the Lord (The Boss) of our lives and His Church and let us be salt and light in our community. Too bad if we “offend” our non Christian friends, by God’s grace I want to stand unashamedly for our Risen Lord and Saviour and soon coming King.
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