I love fossicking through the books in charity shops, and yesterday I came across a book written by Frank Bartleman called “Azusa Street”. It is the story of the move of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles in 1906 which birthed the modern Pentecostal Movement.
I have not finished reading it, but already some things are standing out to me.
- It had links with the Welsh Revival, as Bartleman was in regular communication with Evan Roberts.
- Many of the people that became part of the revival were from Holiness/Evangelical churches that were hungry for more of God in their lives.
- Bartleman concedes that like all revivals carnal activities took place. (Let us learn the lesson NOT to throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater).
- The church in America at that time desperately needed a fresh move of God.
Throughout history revivals have begun when even a few people become desperate for change, and commit themselves to intercession asking God to move afresh in His Church.
There is also another teaching around (which I trust has some credence to it), that in many areas of life including the church there is the Pendulum Principle where for example for a period of time the pendulum swings out so much in the church, where deception and unbelief are almost paramount, and then the pendulum swings back to a more normal position. If this principle is true, no doubt God is behind it, although many may not recognise His hand in it as is so obviously seen in past revivals.
If ever there was a time in the life of the Church here in Australia we needed revival it is NOW.
- To those believers who recognise the desperate need START PRAYING LIKE NEVER BEFORE.
(A) That God would search our hearts
(B) That we would be willing to personally pay the price to see revival come in the Church.
(C) Pray (in humility) for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that they would see the needs and the things that need to change in the Church, and in their own lives.
(D) Take our eyes off our particular doctrines and centre our thoughts and prayers on the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is simply God’s people repenting and coming into right relationship with God.
Tens of thousands of people coming to Christ and receiving him as the Lord and saviour of their lives.
Yes it can, will you be part of perhaps the last great move of God before Jesus returns? What will it cost? EVERYTHING, but it will be so worth it all when we see Jesus. I play regularly a CD that blesses and challenges me, the Singer/Pastor has been involved in a precious move of the Holy Spirit, that we may call “a time of refreshing from the hand of the Lord” Acts 3:19 that is continuing to this day. One of the choruses is:
Holy Spirit thou art welcome in this place, Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace Thou art welcome in this place.
That place is firstly my heart and yours, and of course in the church that He birthed on the Day of Pentecost. The other chorus I play and sing and pray regularly is:
Lord I’m hungry for a mighty move of God, Lord I’m thirsty pour out your Holy Ghost, Lord I want to see the hand of God move mightily inside of me, I’m hungry for a move of God.
I wrote recently to say I have rejected the “remnant mentality” that had developed in my heart. I declare the Holy Spirit is free to do whatever He wanted to do in me and then through me for His honour and glory, I am hungry (and Lord increase my hunger) for the Holy Spirit to so move in me, so that only Jesus can be seen in me, and that I will truly fulfil the purposes of God in my life in my generation.
Some, who read this blog will say the contents are extreme, impossible and fanatical, I trust others with utter a big AMEN, and join with me, to pray and believe that GOD CAN AND WILL MOVE AGAIN IN HIS CHURCH BEFORE JESUS RETURNS.
What do you think, please write and tell me please ?