28 July 2016


By John Ollis

I have been musing on the “callings” of God on my life recently. I am continually overwhelmed at the goodness of God. Paul tells us in Rom.2:4 that it was the goodness of God that led me to repentance. Let us go back into eternity past again Paul tells me, (Eph. 1:3-4 ) I was on His mind, and He chose me, to be holy and blameless before Him in love, through His foreknowledge He predestined me to be adopted as His son through Jesus Christ. THAT TOTALLY BLOWS ME AWAY.
The New Testament tells us, we were called to be SAINTS, (God’s holy people),we were called to live and walk in FREEDOM, we were called to FELLOWSHIP, with God’s people (our spiritual family) and with the true and the living God. We were called out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son.
Paul calls it an UPWARD and a HOLY call, the write to Hebrews calls it a HEAVENLY call, we need to CONSIDER our call, and never take it for granted, I sure thank God today, that He called me, and gave me the faith and grace to accept His call, and I was born again, I will praise and worship Him throughout eternity that He chose me.
When we respond to this call, we then receive another call, and that is to be planted in a local church with fellow believers and faithful serve the Lord and His people there, and to fulfil the GREAT COMMISSION, and share the good news everywhere we  go, for it is not the will of God any should perish, we plant the seeds and let the Holy Spirit water them.
The call to serve, can be expressed in so many ways, there is much “hidden serving” in the Body of Christ, but also much open and public serving, like being an Elder, or deacon, or small group Leader, or Worship leader, or as a Singer or a Musician, and the list goes on and on. Discipleship & Mentoring is very important here to help a person find their place of ministry and calling in the local church.
Then, there is another calling God gives to some people, He calls them to be one of the FIVE ASCENSION MINISTRY GIFTS, as expressed in Ephesians 4:11 that of an Apostle, or Prophet, or Evangelist, or Pastor or Teacher. By age 15 I knew I was called to the ministry, I was very aware that somehow God had given me a “PASTOR’S HEART” and I only had one plan and that was to go to Bible College and train for the ministry, I was actually taught in College, one was either a Pastor or a Teacher, and so for some years, teaching was very limited in my ministry, until I saw God wanted me to be both. I graduated from Bible College in December 1964, and have served the Lord in ministry now for over 50 years, what a joy and privilege it has been.
For my fellow believers who read this blog, I trust you have been Biblically Discipled and are growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you have discovered your calling and are serving the Lord in your local church. I am so aware that so many Believers are not discipled, and somehow know there is a calling on their life and don’t know what to do about it. May the Lord help you to find a Mentor as soon as possible, to assist you. Until then here are some simple keys for you.
1.The Bible says “what your hands finds to do, do with all your might”. In other words, if there is even the most simple area of serving in the church, embrace it, and do it with all your heart, as if you are serving Jesus Himself.
2. Abraham’s servant Eliezer said on his return from getting a bride for Isaac, “I being in the way, the Lord led me”. As you are faithful in your serving (whatever it is)  the Lord in His own time, will enlarge your ministry, and promote you to bigger and better things.
If you do know your calling, remember God’s timing for you to enter that calling is very important, Jesus knew at twelve years of age, he must be about His father’s business, but remained at home for another eighteen years, until God’s time was right, Moses rushed ahead at forty years and messed up, and had to wait another forty years to fulfil the call of God on his life.
Another exciting thing about receiving God’s call, is that God, is such a God of variety, for Moses it was a burning bush, for Samuel a voice in the night, for Peter, a simple “Come follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men, for Paul it was a bright flashing light on the Damascus Road, but they all knew they were called. None of these were my experience, but I knew that I knew that I knew I was called of God. You are not second class, if you have not been called to be Ministry Gift, serve to your best ability in your local church, develop a career, and be a man or woman of God in the market place.
I have been blessed as I wrote this blog, I trust it has blessed you too. If it has raised some questions in your mind, please ask ok ?