I felt impressed to write three FB posts yesterday, most people would be aware that I simply get a thought and then meditate on it and simply write as thoughts come to mind. There are numerous times that after I have posted the blog or article I think of something else I should have included in it, I have also become so aware that what I say and how others read it can be quite different, because language changes its meaning, and one’s interpretation of a truth can be different to mine. We are away on holidays in Sydney, so will not submit this to my editors, one of them at least is also heading off on holidays. So I trust my message will be clear.
When you LOOK around your world what do you see ? Wickedness on every side, almost an anti God attitude, or can see you say with Jesus, “The fields are white unto harvest, it is harvest time NOW”.
Whare are you HEARING? Are you hearing blasphemy and evil things. or can you say with the Prophet “I hear the sound of abundance of rain” that the latter rain is ready to fall, the Church is going to be restored and renewed, and there is going to be massive turning of people to Jesus.
What abut your TOUCH? are you like the woman with the issue of blood are you touching the hem of the Lord’s garment and receiving all that God has for you. We can FEEL the Wind of the Spirit blowing over us.
What are you SMELLING? Are you aware of the “fragrance of His presence, the aroma of the “Rose of Sharon” and the Lily of the Valley, What a privilege to live in His presence.
How is your sense of TASTE? and your spiritual appetite? The Psalmist says “O Taste and see that the Lord is good” I trust you are hungry for more of the things of God in your life in 2017.
Solomon tells us there “the power of death and life in our tongue”, Our words can produce life or death. We must confess what the Word of God says, not what our natural senses tell us. We sure develop well our natural senses, the challenge is now we are born again to develop our spiritual senses.
Paul tells us in Ephesians “We have been blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ. Every blessing for every situation.We simply have no excuses why we cannot fulfil the purposes of God in our lives in our generation. we can live holy, victorious pure life and fruitful lives for the glory of God.
I was also reminded of an old chorus we used to sing years ago.
I am covered with the robe of righteousness, I am covered with the precious blood of Jesus.
When He looks at me, He sees not what I used to be He sees Jesus.
Not only has God made available to us, the “whole armour of God”, but the “Robe of Righteousness, and His precious blood. TOTAL PROTECTION is all part of our “Inheritance in Christ” but we must know what is available to us, and take what is rightfully ours through the “Finished work of Christ on the Cross”, and His unfinished work Interceding for us before our heavenly Father.
May these simple thoughts, encourage, bless and challenge you as we come to the end of 2016 and prepare to enter a new year.S