7 January 2017


By John Ollis

I have been thinking much about what the writer of the Book of Hebrews describes as our “so great salvation”. When one responds to the claims of Christ on their life they sure don’t understand what salvation is, other than the fact, that he is a sinner on the way to hell and needs forgiveness.
Over the years greater understanding comes and we should become overwhelmed at our “so great salvation”. I trust it isn’t a sign of old age, but I must admit I ponder often this glorious relationship I have with the Lord, which is over 65 years old and stronger than it has ever been.
God knew Adam and Eve would fail the test in the garden of Eden, but He still created them, and in eternity past, He also created the answer for their sin, as John tells us in the Book of Revelation that Christ (the second member of the eternal Godhead) became the “lamb slain before world began”. God’s justice had to be consistent, and His wrath had to be poured out on someone. Jesus the son of God became the perfect human being to bear our sin and carry it away.
I have also been meditating afresh in the Book of Romans, Paul tells us in 2:4, “The goodness of God leads us to repentance”. If God thought like a man, He wouldn’t have bothered to create man in the first place, and despite our sinfulness He extends His GOODNESS towards us, that is so hard to take in, but I sure thank God for His goodness to me. In Romans 2:11 we are reminded God has no favourites, we may all be sinners on the way to hell, but He does not want us to experience eternal separation from Him. Some people preach God was lonely that was why He created man, I don’t think the Scriptures support that teaching, He has a host of angels that are permanently in His presence.
Paul suggests that we can truly only repent (have a change of mind) because of the Lord’s goodness, what a mighty God He is.
Knowing the Lord for 65 years, and being in ministry for over 50 years, I have had the joy of leading many people to Christ, and ministering in over 25 nations have met truly many thousands of people who have embraced God’s “so great salvation”.
This is a very simply blog, but may it encourage and bless you as you prepare to go to Father’s House to meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ
Margaret showed me an old song she remembers written by Philip Bliss in the 1870’s and I want to ask the question of every believer – “Will You Meet Me at the Fountain?” – Word and  Music Philip Bliss, 1873
It may not be twenty first century language, but I am sure you understand. John again in Revelation writes in chapter 5:6  speaks of a lamb that had been slain, a permanent reminder throughout all eternity of how our “so great salvation” was purchased. It reminds me of the song, There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins, and sinners plunger beneath that flood lose all their guilty  stains.
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