It is now 16 days since we began the move from one Villa to another in our Retirement Village. We are almost 100% out of the old Villa, and about 70% unpacked in our new Villa. Even though we have more room we still seem to be short of space. A clear indication that we travel “heavy” in our world and have lots of stuff, that we hardly if ever use. It has been a tremendous physical challenge and we are extremely tired, and are aware of muscles we have not used in years. The move also brings inevitable stress which can also be very debilitating. We do thank God for our new and larger Villa, and on day one dedicated it to the Lord and declared it a “Bethel”.
In the midst of all the changes I needed to see my surgeon who has scheduled minor surgery on March one, this should reduce the pain and often difficulty in walking. It is our plan next week when we are basically clear here to take a few days off and go to the coast for a brief rest.
I am reminded that in the spiritual realm the of challenges that come when we decide to move to a level in God, it does not happen easily or painlessly We realise there is BAGGAGE, that has to be disposed off, there is pain as we make the adjustments, and it takes time to feel comfortable in the new space, As humans we don’t like change and often fight it (as so often happens in church life as well).In hindsight I know every move forward in God has brought much blessing and fruit, and naturally I am sure in even just a few weeks, we will be so happy here in our new Villa.
I also want to move to a new level in my walk with God and in ministry this year. We know the physical and the spiritual are closely aligned, and like Paul I will need “to beat my body” and not listen to its aches and tiredness and press on. Ministrywise I am confessing and believing I will return to South East Asia again this year, even if it is the last time to teach and preach. I also have the opportunity to commence a Day Bible Study in the Local church here, and am seeking the Lord for His guidance in that matter. I expect to still regularly preach but mostly locally.
God has given me an awesome past for which I will be eternally grateful, but also I anticipate an exciting fruitful 2017. Thank you fro your love and prayers.