You may have noticed there has been few blogs flowing from me in over a month, let me tell you the reasons.
We moved into this Retirement Village almost eight years ago, our Villa was to be temporary until further development of the Village, then the Global Financial Crisis happened and we have gone through two Receiverships, and at last haveĀ new owners who are beginning further development very soon. A similar Villa has become available and next week we are moving. Packing up has been a tremendous and very tiring job but we are slowly getting there.
We drove to Sydney (900 kms) to visit our children and grandchildren for Christmas and were away for two weeks.
I have had considerable pain in my left knee where I contracted the golden stapf. infection during surgery. Walking has become extremely difficult at times. So was referred back to my surgeon for review. I have some additional tests to undergo, but surgery to deal with the problem appears to be the answer. I sure would rather not have further surgery but, if I can be pain free, and fulfil my dream to return to Asia this year then may the will of the Lord be done.
I would appreciate your prayer support regarding our physical move next week, and the decisions that need to be made by the surgeon.