AN UPDATE 7/5/18
In my heart I would often scoff when a retiree said “they had never been so busy”, but I have come to see how true this statement is, and I am actually going to have to start prioritising my activities. In my mind they are all important, but I guess some are MORE IMPORTANT than others.
I thank God he Has led me into a Ministry of Intercession, and this must ever be my first priority, I so enjoy visiting daily my many friends and the places I love in the Spirit, and pray for them and their ministries. My heart cries out for REVIVAL especially in S.E. Asia, flowing through those many countries the Lord permitted to visit some many times, and of course my great nation of Australia that desperately needs a major spiritual breakthrough.
Blogging is also something I really love, and to me this is also a priority, I actually have at least 6 blogs I want to prepare and submit this week, again there are literally hundreds of people across more than 10 nations who regularly read my blogs. Would you pray with me that the Lord would give me new interpreters so that my blogs can be translated into Mandarin, and Bahasa Indonesia, my previous interpreters did a great job, but some ran out of time, and others requested payment, and as a Pensioner, I do not have spare finance.
I am also often preaching at the local church I attend which sure is a great privilege, the theme for the year is 2018 a YEAR OF CHANGE. I also share the Word with some of the men, on the first and third Monday mornings over coffee. There is the real possibility if I have the strength, we will accept an invitation to teach in Indonesia for a week, we would then go onto Singapore (our second home) for a week of R&R and catch up with all our Singaporean friends,
I am also the Chairman of our Retirement Village Residents Committee, which also has numerous demands.
Since November last year, I have had 5 visits to hospital 4 times for minor surgery, and the fifth for a hernia operation, I am 76+ (77 in September) and now often get very tired, which I am told is the “aging process” which I am NOT enjoying, but I remind myself regularly” He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater”, Margaret is 13 months older than me, and she is feeling the effects of the “aging process” as well.
Tomorrow, (8th May), we celebrate 53 years of marriage, and again thank God for His blessing upon us, the Lord is good, and GREATLY to be praised.
We do rejoice that our 2 children and their families are growing in the Lord ,and busy serving Him, they are such a blessing to us, even though they are 900kms away from us.
So, I am sharing this simple update with you, seeking your prayer support for us personally, and for ALL of the matters I have expressed above, (especially any the Lord lays on your heart please.My heart’s desire is that I will ever be an INSTRUMENT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SERVICE for the Lord, until that great and glorious day He calls me home, or I see Him break through the clouds.
May I conclude and say a big thank you for your love and encouragement and support to us, it is very much appreciated, please feel free to respond as often as you like through either FB or WhatsApp or here ok?
I also want to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Lord for His blessing, and goodness to me, ever since I was translated into the Kingdom of God 66+ years ago, I can continue to say