11 June 2018


By John Ollis

It has been suggested to me recently by a dear Christian brother that I should write my MEMOIRS, and tell my story of how God can take a nobody and make him a somebody. How a 10 year old illegitimate boy, can become a “new creation in Christ”. How a teenager could receive the “call” of God to ministry, have many years of fruitful Pastoral Ministry. Then dramatically be directed into Bible College Ministry, and the privilege of learning to be a Mentor and seeing the results  of Mentoring hundreds of young men, then how a simple “prophetic” word again radically changed my direction, and to  begin travelling to many nations teaching and preaching the Word of God. When health challenges that should have produced retirement again brought changed direction, and another awesome expression of ministry, I can simply testify that I have and am LIVING THE DREAM.
This brother has suggested I write my MEMOIRS  in bite size portions in the form of regular blogs. I had mentioned in a meeting that I had wanted to write my life story, but it was a mountain to high for me to traverse. This brother’s suggestion has really witnessed to my heart, and I want to do it to the best of my ability. For everyone who reads this particular blog I am inviting you to assist  me by giving me  direction and guidance so that it will be a blessing to many many people, and that it will bring glory to God, and as much as possible steer the spotlight off me, and onto my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I will of course continue to write general teaching blogs, I was surprised to notice there are almost 600 blogs in johnollis.wordpress.com. I look forward to hearing from you.