I guess it is nearly a year ago that I began to seriously pray about concluding my overseas Teaching Ministry, I felt that physically it was becoming a challenge. When I made the decision the Lord wonderfully led me into Intercessory Ministry, so I can still visit so many places in prayer every day. Then recently I was requested to teach (at least one more time) in Indonesia. After prayer I believe the Lord clearly gave me the “green light” to go.
I have been teaching in this Short Term Bible School since 2001 based in a local church in Java, the church had grown to 20000, sadly the Pastor recently had a massive heart attack and went to be with the Lord. His death produced many changes but the School continues in another venue. It grew to over 300 students previously, this year there were 25 full time and 10 part time students. Each Day teaching is 9-12 and 7-9pm, with 30 minutes of praise and worship preceding the class time. So the presence of God is wonderfully manifest even before the teaching commences, plus I had literally 100’s of people around the world praying for me, so the anointing was truly awesome as I ministered (and it lingered and on me throughout the day as I rested).
In many ways it is actually a Discipleship School, and as my ministry particularly is all about “laying strong and deep foundations” I always feel so at home here, plus the hunger of the students was so apparent. For the first 3 days I major on a Believer’s relationship with the Lord covering such areas as:
- The eight essential ingredients to daily prayer, the 8th being listening, to hear God’s voice, as we can receive a Rhema word every day. From the 2nd day I get the students to share what they have received.
- The eight keys to protecting the mind, then we spend time praying and breaking “strongholds” over the students minds
- I also do a teaching from Leviticus 21:16-24 on those things that can “disqualify” us from ministry.
- The last two days I then teach on Leadership Principles.
The response from the students was the best I had seen in all the years I have taught there (perhaps it was because the class was so much smaller) but the breakthroughs, and blessings was beyond my wildest dreams.
I want to share just one testimony of a young man (in his 20’s) in the class, who clearly had some major emotional and possibly mental problems. His family had pleaded with the Director to let him come to the School. During the 30 minutes of Praise & Worship, he would stand with his head lowered and would not enter in at all. I felt led to pray for him, there was initially no evident change, but the next morning during the time the students share their Rhema words, he jumped up and shared for three minutes, Praise the Lord, the healing had begun. Since returning home, I have received a video from the Director with this young man with a microphone in his hand singing praises to the Lord, WHAT A MIGHY GOD WE SERVE, AND TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY.
On the Friday at 12pm as I closed the class the students broke out singing “Happy birthday to you” and a cake was brought out (I turned 77 the following day). I really fell in love with these great students (and not because of the cake).
On the Saturday evening I spoke at the Youth Meeting (100’s in attendance) and again at the end another cake was brought out and again they sang “Happy birthday”).
Unfortunately, physically we both found the going rough, Margaret initially getting a tummy bug, and then a nasty cough and cold, I just got very exhausted, then when I got home I contacted a nasty but very different cough and cold to Margaret, I am currently on a course of antibiotics, and just today have started to feel “half normal”.
We then had 4 days of R&R in Singapore on the way home, catching up with many friends, which was good,
We rejoice before the Lord that He permitted us to go, and thank Him for the eternal results that have happened.