30 October 2018


By John Ollis

Is reminiscing just a sign of old age? I hope not, as I believe it is good to look back especially as  a Christian and in Ministry and see how the Lord has led us. As you will see from my last blog, I have been doing a lot of reminiscing lately. It has been said:


It is only as we look back we can see why certain things happened, and how it all worked out for His honour and glory.
I have overall had a dream life with much blessing in every area of my life for which I will thank God throughout eternity.
The most important thing that has ever happened in my life was when I was delivered out of the kingdom of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of His dear son Col. 1:13. at the age of 10
The next life changing experience was when as I knelt by my bedside and I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in unknown tongues Acts 2:4. at around 19 years of age.
This second experience eventually took me into the Pentecostal world,  and I happily moved into a  denominational Pentecostal bubble for many years. Sadly in hindsight I became very parochial and exclusive in my thinking and attitudes.
The next awesome thing that caused much change in my life was meeting Brother Kevin Conner who’s teaching and ministry mightily impacted my life. As well as my heart and mind being broadened by his teaching, my denominational blinkers were beginning to get ripped off. So much so that when I was invited to become the Principal of the denomination’s Bible College in Singapore, I said I would come if I was free to minister across the Body of ChristThis was agreed, and my adventure began of ministering in every type of church both Evangelical and Charismatic and Pentecostal.
This continued to increase when I was invited to become an Associate Missionary of a mega Charismatic church some years later after our return to Australia.
We spent almost 40 years living outside our home state here in Australia, Margaret had said she knew in her heart we would return one day. We also decided that our next move would be into a Retirement Village. When that time came EVERYTHING fell into place, and nearly 10 years later we have never felt anything other than we were in the perfect will of God.
About 18 months after our move we made a decision before the Lord to withdraw from the “Pentecostal” church we were attending, and begin attending the local Baptist church. I had met the Pastor almost as soon as we had arrived in the town, and after a short while he asked me if I would mentor him. He is no longer the Pastor but we are still good friends. Until age and some health issues developed I still was going into S.E.Asia and ministering across the Body of Christ.
Remember I had been in a Denominational Pentecostal bubble for many years, then moved into a Pentecostal/Charismatic bubble now the Lord was clearly leading us into a non Charismatic/Evangelical bubble.
I must confess it has not (and even now) been an easy transition, I love:
Pentecostal Worship
Pentecostal Preaching
Pentecostal Fellowship


Yet, I have discovered that (as I wrote recently) all the above is a style or form but God is SO MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT.
My Theology has also been expanded, and this has been such a blessing to me personally



I am 1000% committed to the Spirit filled life and for believers praying every day in tongues  and making  the most  and best use of their prayer language.
I believe I can say with Eliezer in Genesis 24:48 NKJV The Lord led me in the way of truth. I may not have chosen to go this way if it had been my choice, but in hindsight, I see the Lord’s leading.  I have not and don’t expect to “enjoy” every aspect of this journey, but I know I am in the will of God, and that is the ONLY PLACE TO BE.