On our recent holiday, the Lord prepared my heart, (or I was listening), and He told me, I was to be prepared to let the Lord talk to me, and He sure did.
This time we came away to visit family, and I had no thought, that again the Lord would be speaking and challenging me. Again I want to put in writing another encounter with God.
I preached yesterday afternoon, (Sunday) but in the morning went with the family to Hillsong church, and it happened to be their “Vision Sunday”. Right from the first song the Lord’s presence was very manifest, I have been so blest seeing the growth and expansion of Hillsong church around the world. I had the privilege of teaching in their Leadership College for almost 6 years and had the privilege of investing into some of their key leaders who are now serving around the world, all this until Brian Houston prophesied over my life confirming many matters that only I and the Lord knew about relative to future ministry. This word confirmed the timing, and the direction I had received and I felt it was the right time to tendered my resignation concluding at the end of the next term and stepping out in faith on the next Holy Spirit adventure which lasted quite a few years until some health issued intervened.
Hillsong church theme for their vision this year 2019 is “revival is in the air”, I mentioned this in an earlier update, it so witnesses with my spirit, as this is also what the Lord said to me at the beginning of the year. Through revival, refreshing and renewal, the Bride must work harder at being prepared for the Bridegroom’s coming, and also as a consequence of the Church being revived, it will bring in a FRESH HARVEST of souls.
Because of my intense burden for South-East Asia, was thrilled to hear of the great possibilities of Hillsong Shanghai wow.
We left Sydney almost 10 years ago, and I did not know any of the songs that were sung, but I sure loved the words. they were so Christ centred and God-glorifying, and all about His love and grace towards us, and the fact sadly, we fail the Lord so many times (often wilfully) yet He is always there to forgive and restore. I sure know we have this glorious inheritance and that EVERYTHING has been made available to us so that we do NOT have to continue to sin, when will we and I ever learn?
The songs highlighted some things and regrets I have. I have written previously that I was saved in a church and at a time (67+years ago) where legalism was so prevalent, and I so automatically embraced it and developed a very critical judgemental spirit of others, something I am still only beginning to fully recognise in me, in hindsight I was so hypocritical, maybe not doing the things other did but was just as inconsistent in other areas of my life. My greatest regret is that I was NEVER really ever discipled, nor ever really mentored (as I now understand these things) so no one ever really challenged the legalism and hypocrisy that must surely have been evident. The Lord helping me and by His grace even after all these years of entrenched attitudes, without compromising truth, I want to love and care for others like Jesus does towards us, so will you pray with me, please?
The awesome thing is despite the above, I can humbly say the Lord has used me MIGHTLY over the years. The Lord sure uses very IMPERFECT PEOPLE TO PERFECT HIS CHURCH, I am so glad about that. I am going to confess today that for me truly