Part of me feels I should apologise to my readers today, as I know there will be so much repetition in this blog, then I am reminded, that we need to tell the story often because God’s people forget, plus, we know that God progressively reveals truth to His people, and often repetition can take the information to revelation.
The TRUTH I want to highlight afresh this morning is that of SURRENDER, I personally believe this is the major key and truth we need to fully embrace if we are going to be the people God wants us to be.
Paul makes it so clear in Romans 12:1-2 NKJV I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The tense Paul uses in the Greek text is the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. in other words CONTINUAL SURRENDER MUST BECOME A LIFESTYLE.
In our body we have our 5 senses seeing, hearing, touching, tasting & smelling. I could not imagine my life without these essential senses, yet unless they are UNDER THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST, senses like seeing & hearing can cause us to sin. The enemy is working overtime stimulating these senses.
In our body we also have 3 essential drives, hunger, sex, and survival, again these are so important, yet all of them can get out of control and again cause us to sin and even take our life.
It is interesting that in verse 2 of Romans 12 Paul highlights the MIND, which of course is also part of the body. He indicates that constantly we are exposed to the cultures and lifestyles of all those who are around us, and the things we see and hear can have a tremendously negative effect on us, closely linked with our mind is our EMOTIONS, and what we see and hear causes an emotional reaction, like:
FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS, JOY, DISGUST, TRUST, SHAME, PRIDE,LUST and if we let these emotions touch Us it will CAUSE US TO SIN. That is why the Lord says to us I WANT AND NEED TO CONTROL YOUR BODY, CONTINUALLY IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE A MAN OF GOD. These negative emotions are like a cancer, and will rob you of your joy and peace as a Believer.
Now to many Believers all that I have written today is simply information, how can we change this? I would suggest at least 2 ways.
1.Get a Mentor, who you will let speak into your life and show you what the Word of God says not only about surrender, but about how and why we sin.
2. Get into the Word of God for yourself, read it regularly, study it constantly, and meditate upon it, letting the Logos become a Rhema to you. We must let the WORD OF GOD WORK IN US. We are living in a generation of Biblical ignorance, and Biblical compromise, and we must not let these effect us in any way, as they will rob us of our intimacy with the Lord.
I want to leave just one more verse of Scripture with you today Psalm 119:89 AMP. Early this morning as I was praying the Lord dropped this verse into my heart, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven [stands firm as the heavens” Just as Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever, SO IS HIS WORD, it says SURRENDER, SURRENDER, SURRENDER, and this message shall never change.
I trust you have a blessed weekend.