4 October 2019


By John Ollis

On the first Sunday in October 1951, at the end of my Sunday School class, I knelt at the altar, and accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord. So this week I am celebrating my 68th spiritual birthday as a born again Believer. What an exciting journey it has been, I could never have comprehended where that decision would take me.
Both my parents were alcoholics, it was a very unhappy home, and my future did not look very bright, but that single act totally changed the direction in my life.
At 14 I received from a God a “call” to Ministry which again set me on a specific path which has taken me all around the world. I completed my Theological training, and before I took up my first appointment in Ministry, I proposed to Margaret whom I had met in church, thankfully she said yes, and now after 54+ years of marriage I rejoice in God in having a God blessed marriage. Margaret has been a major key in my ministry and spiritual adventure. God has blessed us with 2 sons, who both married Godly wives, and there are 5 grand children, all loving and serving the Lord, TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY. Each new appointment in 22 years of Pastoral Ministry was a step forward in the purposes of God, and an increasing evidence of the Lord’s blessing on the Ministry.
Near the end of the 22 years came an unexpected life changing invitation that again turned my world around, as I was invited to become a Lecturer in my Alma Mata, where I served for 11 years, holding every major portfolio up to Vice Principal, so in hindsight I can now see God was preparing me to lead a Bible College. In the 11th year our hearts were getting stirred regarding the Mission field (particularly Asia), there came an invitation for us both to serve in Bangkok that added to what was stirring in our heart. It became a matter of prayer, then unexpectedly the Singapore Superintendent visited the College, he did not know I was serving there, we had not been in communication for about 20 years, He asked me “Would I come to Singapore and become their College’s Principal”? this immediately witnessed to our heart and I accepted. it was a contract fully paid position, and God put some important things in my heart that needed to be done in the Singapore College, and these were wonderfully completed by the end of the contract period, we were asked to extend our contract but felt to return to Australia.
We returned not having a position, but was quickly picked up by Hillsong Leadership College where we served for almost 6 years, 50% of the student body are overseas students so the exposure to many people and cultures was truly awesome. During the Staff Camp in the 6th year, Brian Houston prophesied over me “That the lord had put a dream in my heart and it was now time to fulfill that dream”. It witnessed with both our hearts so I tendered my resignation and concluded at the end of term 2.
For the next 10 years I ministered in almost every continent (especially Asia) ministering many times in at least 25 countries, it has been the highlight of my ministry, meeting many hundreds of students who are now serving the Lord around the world, and many I am still in contact with to this day.
My health started to give me some concern, so regular overseas  Ministry travel virtually ceased, and the Lord has wonderfully relaced that with Intercession, writing and Mentoring (both face to face and WhatsApp video.
I commenced my natural 78th year last month, and can look back and declare THE LORD HAS BEEN SO GOOD. I AM OVERWHELMED BY HIS GRACE AND MERCY.
Although this blog has been very much about myself, I trust the spotlight has been clearly placed on the Lord, for it has been His doing and I give Him all the praise and glory.