These past few days have been very impacting and challenging, and has made me give some serious thought to an important BUT neglected topic. It was so much on my mind, I even had a dream about it.
On Saturday our national football grand final was held, there was over 100.000 people in the stadium and millions watched it on national television. I have never seen such enthusiasm and sheer fanaticism by the supporters of the winning team. I couldn’t help but think why don’t Christians get as excited about Jesus, I believe I have the answer.
Yesterday our men met for their coffee meeting. The discussion gravitated to our contact with false cults and especially Christian cults, we all agreed that the reason so many get caught up is becuse of demonic deception, a strong influential leader, but also the complete ignorance of so many Christians have of what the Word of God teaches. I believe again I have the answer.
I am not going to say anything new in this blog, I am so glad REPITION IS A MAJOR KEY IN TEACHING. I may give some practical examples I have not used before that may assist you in your thinking.
The main reason Christians are not excited about Jesus and are illiterate when it comes to the Bible is the lack of Biblical Discipleship. Do you remember when you were born again, the joy, the peace and excitement was almost overpowering. but sadly after a short time, the joy began to fade, Billy Graham said the first 48 hours after a person is saved is so important that it requires quick follow up and then Discipleship. sadly it is often weeks before a “substitute” to Biblical Discipleship is offered to the new convert, a 4 to six weeks “class”. Teaching for example once on prayer will NOT teach a new Christian how to pray, someone must walk with them for as long as it takes until prayer becomes a lifestyle.
Not only do I think that “STRUCTURE” is essential in for example prayer, I think a new Christian needs for example to know there are 8 essential ingredients to daily prayer, but we also need ORDER, that is why someone walking with us is so important. Gordon McDonald wrote an excellent book entitled “Ordering your private world” and just as we must organise our lives every day, so we now need to include a daily Quiet Time into our world. In Psalm 5:3 NKJV King David prayed My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up. David felt it was important to begin the day with prayer, so did Jesus, we read in Mark 1:35 NKJV Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Do you remember the old hymn, Holy Holy Holy, Lord God almighty, EARLY IN THE MORNING MY SONG WILL RISE TO THEE We would never leave home with our smartphone not charged, how much more we need to be spiritually “charged” to face the day. If you don’t “order” your life, prayer will ALWAYS be the first thing to slip out of your life. Whenever there is a “change” in our daily program like holidays or weekends, we must “order” our day to keep our relationship with the Lord fresh and exciting. We know the old statemnt 7 days makes one week, I would suggest one day without the Lord makes one WEAK.
In my 8 essential ingredients to daily prayer teaching number 8 is LISTENING. God’s people need to know about the uniqueness of the Bible, God wants us to know and understand His Word, and as we prepare our hearts daily in prayer (never open your Bibles until you have prayed first) God wants to speak to us, and make the written word the Living word to you, not just information but REVELATION, it deals will illiteracy and we will be able to recognise truth from error, and will never be caught up or influenced by a Christian cult.
Many of my readers will be able to relate to what I have written, if you do not have someone walking with you, seek out someone, your excitement about Jesus will increase, and the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.