28 February 2020


By John Ollis

So many people in my world are indicating that they are tired, and stressed, and so busy. I can relate to that personally, and at 78+ am seeking to have a rest in the afternoons, as i am aware that in my case it is part of the aging process, so I am recognising it, and personally trying to do something about it.
Our physical and emotional beings cannot help but impact our spiritual “being”, and I am sure that is one of the reasons that Church Leaders 100’s of years ago, decided to place special emphasis on different parts of the Church year, so that we would, seek to slow down, and “smell the roses” .and REFLECT on our relationship with God, especially at this Lenten time, and seek to have an ever deepening understanding of Christ’s death on the Cross and His resurrection, not only for the whole of mankind, but for us personally, and that we have EVERYTHING AVAILABLE TO US as a result of Christ’s death and resurrection so that we can live holy, victorious pure lives.
I want to highlight TWO ENEMIES WE HAVE that want to rob us of blessing, and keep us in ignorance, and limit our understanding of our SO GREAT SALVATION.
The first enemy is satan, (often called the devil). Most theologians believe he was the Archangel Lucifer who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven with a host of other angels, that now are known as demons. We believe he was  the serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, it was satan who attacked Job (with God’s permission, and of course his attack on Jesus in the wilderness.
Again, we believe that any power he had was taken from him, when Jesus died and rose again. 1 Peter 5:8 NKJV Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He is now all noise but powerless, but unless a Believer knows that satan is defeated, he can become fearful, and give satan a power and authority that he has no right to have. Through lack of Biblical Discipleship many new Christians do not know he is defeated and powerless, and they give into his tricks and temptations. Sadly., many Christians are more “satan centred” than Jesus centred, and theirs actions, attitudes and speech can cause many other Christians to become deluded and fail.
One of my favourite Scriptures relative to this topic is James 4:7 NKJV Therefore SUBMIT to God. RESIST the devil and he will flee from you. The MESSAGE Bible says “and watch him scamper. 
One of the important keys to living the victorious life is to lean to live the SURRENDERED LIFE, and when you hear the lion roar RESIST HIM IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AND HE MUST RUN AWAY.
Through Christ’s death and resurrection, Believers  have been given an authority “in the Name of Jesus”, they have also been given “The whole Armour of God” (Eph. 6) including the Sword of the Spirit to resist him. Plus many more weapons, (that is why Biblical Discipleship is essential). Not only must the new Believer be given teaching on this subject, but the Discipler, must see the Logos word  (the information) has become a Rhema word, and has truly become revelation to him.
Our second enemy is OURSELVES with our sinful nature, Paul tells our “old sinful nature” was Crucified when  Jesus was crucified on the cross, we see in the Greek word for crucified, the truth THAT OUR OLD NATURE WAS RENDERED POWERLESS, that is why Paul tells us in Romans 12:1 AMP. N.T. I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.
This presenting of our body with its members and faculties MUST be done CONTINUALLY, for it is only as we lay on the altar in Surrender is the “old nature” “rendered powerless”. We know from personal experience, the moment we roll of the altar and decide to do our “own” thing” that is when our sinful nature is reactivated.
It is interesting, that the two enemies I have highlighted today, is dealt with as we learn more and more to live THE LIFE OF SURRENDER.
You can see why Lent is a wonderful time to REFLECT, on this important truth, and ask ourselves some questions.

  • Do I understand the place of Surrender in a Believer’s life?
  •  Am I learning to live the Surrendered life?
  •  Could there be a deeper level of Surrender in my life?
  •  Am I convinced satan is powerless?
  •  Do I understand the “Delegated Authority I have “In the Name of Jesus”
  •  Do I understand about the Whole Armour of God, and am learning to put it on and use it regularly.
  •  Do I need to spend more time meditating on Romans 6, and let the Holy Spirit “turn the light on” MORE so that it is not just information but REVELATION?
  •  Should I consider during this Lenten time to spend some time FASTING?
  •  Am I willing to REPENT (change and turn around)
  •  Do I want to be more life Jesus?

I have deliberately NOT given a capital S to our enemy’s name. i WANT TO SPOTLIGHY JESUS. 
I sure want to spend more time during Lent to major in my blogs on the many things that are now available to us through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but needed to highlight today, we have enemies, seeking to stop us enjoying our Salvation, but Praise God in eternity past our God dealt with these enemies, and we must learn to appropriate  what is  our rightful inheritance. Amen