23 May 2020


By John Ollis

This is my 995th blog, I hope to write my 1000th blog by next Sunday, which is Pentecost Sunday.

Tomorrow I am preaching in Singapore (via Zoom) this is going to be a new experience for me, so I would sure appreciate your prayer support.

I am preaching on PREPARING FOR PENTECOST,  just as the Disciples did for 10 days in the Upper Room, Jesus had already breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit” but Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem until they were FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. I want to encourage the saints in church in Singapore tomorrow to set aside quality time over this next week to prepare their hearts for a blessed experience in the Holy Spirit.

I personally believe the 120 came to that the place of complete surrender, and the Holy Spirit who was already resident in them became PRESIDENT I believe it was a SANCTIFYING experience as The Holy Spirit as a “rushing mighty wind,” blew away the unnecessary stuff in their lives, and the “flames of fire” (The Holy Spirit) purged out the dross and sin in their lives. The Holy Spirit filled the house (their bodies) as they yielded themselves to God, which happened to include their tongues. They then had to learn to live THE SURRENDERED LIFE.as we have to do.

The Disciples had to let the Holy Spirit teach them all about THE SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE as well as all  the benefits that come from having a “prayer language”.

Can I recommend to you that you set aside special quality time between now and Sunday 31st May and just as you went on a Lenten Journey, go on a “PENTECOST JOURNEY” and so co-operate with the Holy Spirit that an awesome work of Grace can take place in your life, as you learn more about “the surrendered life” and let the Holy Spirit more and more become PRESIDENT AND FILL THE HOUSE.

William Booth wrote a great hymn, the first verse says:

Thou Christ of burning cleansing flame Send the fire,

Thy blood bought gift today we claim send the fire

Look down and see this waiting host

Give us the promised Holy Ghost

We want another PENTECOST send the fire.
