29 October 2020


By John Ollis

On the 17th &19th of this month, I wrote about the “burden/s on my heart”. Highlighting Biblical Discipleship/Mentoring & Missions (The Great Commission). Although these essential truths are so clearly set out in the Word of God, often they are treated very lightly, and sadly their implementation is also often watered down and does not not fulfil the Biblical Mandate.

Speaking personally I said that both these truths really took a long time to really become a passion and a burden in my life, and I shared how the Lord used numerous situations and ways for me to get the VISION that has sure changed my life.

Solomon, the “wisest man in all the world” says in Prov. 29:18

NKJV Where there is no vision, the people perish:

NKJV Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint;

PASSION When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander away.

So, although we are to obey the written Word of God, often there is little motivation and drive to obey it, but when it becomes a revelation it changes a person’s life, and a drive and a passion comes in, and it is part of you 24/7, THIS IS SURE MY EXPERIENCE.

I had the privilege in 1978 of going to Seoul South Korea to attend the very first English Church Growth Seminar conducted by Dr. Yonggi Cho and the Yoido Full Gospel church, what an amazing story of a vision, and how he has fulfilled that vision, especially with goal setting, quarterly, annually etc. Goal setting is very important, businesses use it all the time, BUT VISION IS A LOT MORE THAN GOAL SETTING.

If it just setting goals, there will be many times of disappointments, but when God places a vision in your heart, and you let the Holy Spirit regularly, feed it, there will be a constant passion and fire and drive within you to see the vision fulfilled.

I think God wants to give EVERY BELIEVER a vision, relative to their walk and growth in grace, and also that we live in a lost and dying world, and just as we were “brands plucked from the fire”so God wants to use us to witness and share with our families, and intercede for them so they come to Christ.

I also believe that every Ministry God has called particularly Eph. 4:11 Ministry Gifts, God wants to give a vision and a passion to, I can see such an important role for the Mentor, to help the younger to find their place and function in Ministry, and to wisely guide them to expect God to place a vision in their hearts.

Great men of God have all had a GOD GIVEN VISION that has so influenced their life, that even after they have died, that vision can continue to impact people’s lives. I have mentioned previously Reinhardt Bonnke’s vision for BLOOD WASHED AFRICA, which has been also imparted to one of his spiritual sons.


May the Psalmist’s prayer be our prayer Psalm 119:18 NKJV Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from your law.
PASSION Open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word.

MESSAGE Open my eyes so I can see what You show me of your miracle -wonders.
The Lord wants to give us spiritual 20/20 vision, so we can clearly see His vision and plan not only for our lives, but what He wants to do through us.

I used to love singing this song written by Pastor Mark Conner, written primarily for Australia (I believe) but we can vision every nation on the earth where “every knee shall bow amen.

We have a vision for this nation
We share a dream for this land
We join with angels in celebration
By faith we speak revival in this land

Where every knee shall bow and worship You
And every tongue confess that You are Lord
Give us an open heaven
Anoint our prayers this day
And move Your sovereign hand
Across this nation