10 January 2021


By John Ollis

I am sure I have written a number of times over the years that we have never had a doubt, that our decision to move to the countryside and into a Retirement Village was in the will of God. Of late I have had an ever increasing realisation that this is so.

Thirty three years ago we moved into Bible College Ministry after being in Pastoral Ministry for over 20 years, this in itself was a major God directed step, but I didn’t realise that by my own actions it locked me into a Pentecostal “bubble” and many of the concepts and and past experiences massively influenced my thinking, and in all honesty there wasn’t that flexibility and teachability to want to change.

I want to record today I am thankful the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, I am not suggesting I have arrived but He has and is helping me to change my thinking and attitudes.

There is no doubt that the Charismatic Revival/Movement has changed the face of Christianity around the world, and like (sadly) every revival there has been excesses and extremes, but so many of the opinions and attitudes that I felt so many Christians and Leaders held is not the case anymore.

I also want to express my thanks and appreciation to the Ministry brothers that I seek to meet with weekly, their attitudes and responses to me have been and continue to be such a refreshing blessing to me.

There has been theological changes in my position, but I am not writing today to highlight Theology, except to say, I thank God for His so great Salvation, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in making it so real to me. I am more committed than ever to the Spirit filled/Surrendered life and the gifts and graces He has for us.

I cannot change my past attitudes, but by the grace of God, I want to ever grow in being teachable, and flexible, and to be CHRIST CENTRED. amen.