Yesterday I posted a blog entitled FOUNDATIONS especially highlighting the importance of checking our spiritual foundations from time to time, and at the beginning of a new year, was a great opportunity to do this. I said I was preaching at myself as well as I wrote that blog.
Interestingly, when you least expect it a “flaw” can become evident in our foundations. This was illustrated last night on our tv news, where a lady sitting in a Tram Shelter waiting for a tram to arrive realised the shelter was going to collapse, she could have been crushed but got out of the shelter just before it collapsed, now the authorities will will check the foundations of all its shelters !!!!
Within a very short time of my posting the blog yesterday, the Lord created a situation that highlighted there was a “flaw” in my foundations, that I had simply brushed away in the past, but needed me to deal with it once and for all. I have written a number of times about the “little” foxes that spoil the vines, but even the “little” things can become bigger and rob a person of the Lord’s blessing.
I have no intention of highlighting the “flaw” but I want to thank the Lord that He quickly zeroed in on something I had to deal with.
So, as I encouraged others yesterday in my blog, I repented and have resolved that by the grace of God this will never happen again, and neither will I “brush it under the carpet”,
My prayer is “if there are any other “faults” in my foundations “Lord reveal them to me, as I want to 100% build my life on Your pattern”.
I trust my “confession” here will help and encourage you to do a FOUNDATIONS CHECK too.
May 2021 be a year of blessing and the Lord’s favour on our lives amen.