As I commence this new blog today, I must comment on the response to my last blog. “DO YOU HAVE A STRUCTURED PRAYER LIFE” the numbers reading it are much higher than normal, suggesting to me there are many Believers are unsatisfied with their “Prayer Life” (Quiet Time) this suggests to me, the lack of Biblical Discipleship or inadequate Discipleship which could include no one walking with the new Believer until prayer has really become a lifestyle. Many I am sure feel I am being too idealistic, but surely God wants quality Disciples who have a continually developing intimacy with the Lord.
I have been meditating on some words of King David in Psalm 52. Although the Psalms were not specifically written in some form of chronological order I find it interesting that it follows David’s confession following the challenge by the prophet Nathan regarding David’s sin, (we will come back to that).
The verse is Psalm 52:8 NKJV But I am like a green olive tree in the HOUSE OF GOD ;
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.
N.L.T. But I am like an olive tree, THRIVING in the house of God.
I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.
PASSION But I am like a FLOURISHING olive tree, ANOINTED in the house of God.
Many Hebrew scholars suggest that a GREEN OLIVE TREE represents:
Remember Psalm 51 is all about CONFESSION & REPENTANCE, and the fruit and results of this is all those significant things listed above. Under the new Covenant Repentance must be a lifestyle that will continue to produce much growth and blessing.
David highlights THE HOUSE OF GOD, which is a picture of the Body of Christ, and also a clear picture of the local church, we will never see change until we are born again and PLANTED IN A LOCAL CHURCH, we know there isn’t such a thing as a “perfect” local church, and often there will be frustrations and a temptation to withdraw, but every Believer MUST BE PART OF A LOCAL CHURCH FAMILY.
Olives produce olive oil and oil is a type of the Holy Spirit, and as N.T. Priests we must learn to live and walk in the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, so beautifully expressed by King David in Psalm 133.
So do you want to thrive and flourish in relation to your spiritual growth and walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, then maintain a repentant attitude and mindset, be planted and committed to your local church and its leadership and we will be guaranteed the Lord’s blessing.
I guess, once again there is nothing new in this blog, just a loving reminder to us all, to fulfil Matt, 6:33 NKJV Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. AMEN