As I have been thinking and preparing my heart for Pentecost Sunday, I began to think of the hundreds of thousands of Pentecost Sunday services that will be held around the world this coming Sunday.
I began to pray for the Pastors/Leaders who would be involved in these services, and prayed that they personally had prepared their hearts, and that they would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and let Him have His sovereign way in the service, and for every believer that they would respond to the Holy Spirit’s moving and prompting, and that they would leave the service knowing God had been at work in their spirit, and that they would be determined by the grace of God “to live and move in the Spirit”.
I guess there has been many desperate times that have occurred throughout Church History and this is sure one of those times, may we be aware of the Lord wanting to intervene into our world and use all the negative things that are happening for our good Rom.8:28.
Let me encourage you to be much in prayer for God’s leaders around the world and our brothers and sisters in Christ (those we know locally and for the Body of Christ worldwide), that we embrace this opportunity to let the Holy Spirit bring His people back to the “old paths” and we see a genuine revival break out across the world amen.