I want to do something today I have never done in all my years of blogging, and that is cut and past a complete FB post and make it the basis of this blog.
Brian Simmons is the Translator of the Passion Bible, formerly a Missionary with R.BM.U. mainly doing translate work into tribal languages he was working with.
I began preaching close to 60 years ago, and began my first formal Pastoral Ministry in January 1965, I wish someone had told me about these “tests” in those days, so to all my readers who are in Ministry I trust this Brian Simmons post will be a blessing and encouragement to you.
“I often get to speak to church leaders in a region. One of the things I teach is about the 10 tests that every servant of Jesus and every ministry is tested on. God is faithful to lead us into one triumph after another:
1. The test of faith. It’s not easy–the first step is always the hardest. Launch out into the deep. FAITH!
2. The test of small beginnings. Not everything is easy.
3. The test of opposition and criticism. Not everyone is your fan.
4. The test of limited resources. Not always enough for your vision.
5. The test of hard work with little fruit. Not every season is harvest.
6. The test of people coming and leaving. Not everyone stays.
7. The test of forming the right partnerships and alliances. Not everyone is the right connection.
8. The test of distraction that comes from growth. Not every good thing should capture our attention.
9. The test of prioritization and use of time. Not everything is most important.
10. The test of succession. No one is indispensable”.
I am sure these “tests” will create questions in your mind, if I can help to answer any questions out of my many years of ministry experience I am available. You can do this by emailing me on [email protected], or if you subscribe to my blogs on please feel to write.
I am hoping to announce the launching of my own website in the very near future, that will make it even easier tor us to communicate with each other.