As a senior citizen I stand in awe and wonder every day at the development of technology that has impacted everyone’s world both personally and in every other way. Google tells me the 1st email was sent in 1971, at that time the Receiver had to be on line, oh how that area has developed over the last 50 years.
Social media has also changed the world for the overwhelming majority of the population on our planet, this now comes to us in a myriad of ways, not just text, but video, photos and so on and so on. Now if we want any information for example about a company, or the latest news, the first thing we do is go to the internet to see if the company has a website.
No one I am sure would want to go back to pre 1970 as Technology has truly changed our lives. I am personally sure not up to date with how to handle it all, let alone know about the seemingly millions of ways technology is being used today in every sphere,
I am like a little boy with a new toy at the moment, having at last my own website and am so grateful to our son Stephen for creating this for me. We are still tweaking it, but it is so so good. It will now not only be the main base for all my blogs, but I want it to be an address where prayer requests can be sent, as I am given the opportunity to intercede for prayer needs more than ever before. May the Mentoring ministry also enlarge as a result of the website too is my prayer.
I was blown away when I found that through technology my blogs can be instantly translated into many languages, currently (as of today) including English there are 9 languages, I am going to add next week (or Stephen is) Dutch, Kmer, Myanmar (Burmese) Lao, and Filipino. If there is a language that you would like added please email me on [email protected] and I will get it added ok?
The pandemic has had a tremendous impact upon our lives, but what a blessing technology is to us. Even small local churches are going “online when an area gets locked down, and many churches are planning to continue to stay on line even when public services can be resumed and conducted.
So, let us seek to look at all the forms of technology that is available and see how it can be used to fulfil The Great Commission, Isn’t ZOOM fantastic, even I have taught in Manila Philippines and preached in Singapore without leaving home. I love Video WhatsApp as I can still Mentor young ministries throughout the world and especially in Asia where I have such a burden, not only can I visit every country on my knees every day, I can literally see these ministries face to face and speak into many people’s lives.
It has been brought to my attention that certain churches (and nations) in Asia renowned for their prayer ministry over many years, has discovered the numbers attending prayer meetings, going to prayer mountains and fervency in prayer is diminishing. Sadly, not only is the devil using technology for his own wicked purposes but is making technology so tantalizing to Christians especially through social media that Christians are not spending time in prayer and in the Word. Oh, how we must order our private world, and discipline the time we spend on these things.
We can do so much more and impact so many more people for the kingdom of God, both by bringing the Gospel to a lost and and dying world, but can teach and impart truth to millions of Believers around the world, plus ministries do not need to feel alone or abandoned anymore, and some ministries have no longer have the excuse of not relating and being accountable, ALL BECAUSE OF TECHNOLOGY.
Surely, we are coming so close to the Lord’s return, the “hour” is late, and we must be busy working in the kingdom, let us use all these modern technological means to touch as many people we can with the “good news of the Gospel” and God’s people with His anointed Word through, Teaching and Preaching and Training amen.