I wrote yesterday saying what a blessing the many varied forms of technology can be in the work of God, to reach and impact more people, with the good news of the Gospel, and for teaching and training and for preaching the Word of God.
The title of the blog was “USING technology for the glory of God”, and the key word is “using”. The apparent major emphasis these days is to be “CONTEMPORARY” but sadly the Church is often letting things like technology to be the key method of fulfilling The Great Commission. Let me remind you I am 100% committed to using any form of technology that can be an effective vehicle (tool) to fulfil the PURPOSES of God. BUT WE USE TECHNOLOGY IT DOES NOT USE AND COTROL US
My readers known I was born again almost 70 years ago in The Salvation Army as a 10 year old boy, at around 19 I was exposed to the Pentecostal stream in the body of Christ, this was a life changing/transformative experience for me, and after Theological Training spent some 50+ years in that part of the Body of Christ. I sure saw the extremes and excesses that Pentecostals are critisized for, I also saw and I am sure God did too many hungry hearts reaching out to Him.. With the Lord’s help, I did not “throw out the baby (truth) with the dirty bathwater” but searched the Scriptures to find truth and balance, and I thank God for the brethren who have also spoken into my life so I unashamedly can say by the grace of God I believe I am Balanced Biblical Pentecostal, believing with all my heart the right and privilege of every Believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit and that the many Gifts of the Holy Spirit are still available today.
Sadly, in this last decade particularly I have seen some important things being relegated to a second and third place, so that we the Church could be considered “contemporary”.
Over half my ministry has been in teaching the Word of God,(in Bible Colleges & Bible Schools) and I can see in my world (as it has happened in other denominations in other generations) the real dangers of so majoring on academics, but neglecting the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is not a degree hanging on a wall, that makes a Minister of the Gospel, it is the Calling and Gifting of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit resting on his life.
When I share with any of my past students I remind them and challenge them to be MEN OF THE WORD AND THE SPIRIT. Technology and “deep” Theology will not change a sick and dying world. IT IS THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE PREACHER AND THE WORD THAT WILL BREAK THE YOKE OF SIN.
Jesus promised the disciples in Acts 1:8 NKJV But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Jesus Ascends to Heaven. The Greek word for is Dunamis where we get in English the words Dynamite or Dynamo.
The Prophet Zechariah reminds us in Zech. 4:6 NKJV Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Says the Lord of hosts.
Let me remind you today WITHOUT HIM (THE BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT) WE CAN DO NOTHING, and if we are to be constantly and consistently effective and fruitful in our ministry and service for the Lord we must learn to live the Spirit-Filled life Eph.5:18 NKJV Be CONTINUALLY filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.
So, let us use any means like technology to assist us do great great things for the Lord and the extending of His Kingdom, but let us never forget that whatever we do, it must be done IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
I pray this simple blog will bless and encourage you.