It was probably in early January this year that I started to develop a lot of pain in my left knee, I went to my G.P. and also my Orthopaedic surgeon, and after a number of consultations he decided I was not a candidate for more surgery, I have had a knee replacement and two knee Revisions surgeries and during one of the procedures I contracted a Golden Staph, infection (in the knee) which took years to deal with.
So in February I was referred to a Pain Specialist (who only visits our area about once in every 6 weeks), who ordered a MRI Scan which showed I had damaged nerves in my spine. He prescribed pain killers which were increased 5 times in dosage and produced no pain relief, he then changed the medication which was also increased but again no pain relief.
He then recommended what is called Percutaneous Denervation which in layman’s terms are 3 needles injected into my knee under twilight anathesia. As I was going into theatre he said “this may take a couple of weeks to work”. Well after 2 weeks there was no change but around the 18th day, I began to be aware of change, and the pain has continued to diminish, unto at this time I would describe it as a uncomfortable “ache”. This should continue to improve for about 6-7 months.
I want to thank God through this blog for the Lord’s hand in this and also confess and believe it will continue as I do not want to go through this or any other procedure again,
Will you pray with me that this is my experience.
I have written much of late of my increased understanding of the Sovereignty of God over all His Creation including His children and that Romans 8:28 NKJV is an awesome truth “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. The Lord has permitted this very painful experience for a PURPOSE, and I see this purpose for me in Hebrews 12:6 NKJV
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”
He loves me and wants me to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants me more than ever to be a PARTAKER OF HIS HOLINESS (verse 10) and experience more of THE PEACEABLE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. (verse 11)’
Just as we as parents must discipline our children, so God disciplines us, for He wants us to BE MORE LIKE JESUS.
I pray I have embraced experientially this truth and will continue to press into the purposes of God for my life amen.
So, I praise and thank God for this healing in my body, and ask you to pray with me, that it will continue and that I will continue to respond to the dealing of the Lord, I WANT TO BE MORE AND MORE LIKE JESUS AMEN.