The Word of God clearly encourages us to be specific in our prayers, when we pray about situations and people, especially those who we want to see come to Christ, and be truly born again.
In Psalm 2:8 NKJV theologians tell us we are being invited to listen to a conversation between our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for your inheritance”.
I am sure from that very time Jesus has been interceding for the nations.
I may have written before about an experience I had in the Hyderabad (India) airport in January 1985.. The team and I were praying as we waited to board our plane, I received that awesome truth that JESUS SHALL BE LORD OF INDIA, this truth burns in my heart to this very day.
On another occasion in the early 1990,s I was standing on the bridge at Masi in Northern Thailand that goes into Myanmar, I began to feel the Holy Spirit weeping for the nation and I began to weep and intercede for the nation, interestingly on my return home I became burdened for the 3 Indo China nations of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. This burden is with me until today.
There is no doubt in my mind that our God is not only interested in individuals but He is also concerned fro the nations.
The Late Ruth Heflin wrote a song, that I love, it is entitled I ASK FOR THE NATIONS, and you can replace the word nations with a particular nation.
I regularly pray:
I ask for Australia, I call her by name,
I present her to the Father in Jesus Name.
May she not be found naked, may she not be ashamed
When she stands before Thee on that great judgement day.
If ever there was time we need to pray for our nation and the nations of the world IT IS NOW, There are so many negative, sa, sinful things happened in our day, sure signs that the Lord’s return is very close. oh how we need a Holy Spirit revival in our nation.
Many will have heard of the revival that started some weeks ago in Asbury University, USA and has now spread to many institutions and churches in the USA and in numerous countries around the globe We must pray, that God’s leader will call their people to pray, and to intercede until we see a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our day.
God has begun to sovereignly move in many places let us do as James challenges us in James 4:8 NKJV Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. As we make that first move towards the Lord, he will draw near to us, maybe it will be in conviction of sin, or simply spiritual slackness, but as we lay hold of the Lord (and He lays hold of us) a new hunger and thirst will develop and a hunger to be a partaker of His holiness. Saints lets do it NOW.