7 September 2023


By John Ollis

Many of my friends know something of the journey I have been on these last 21 months, I want to share my up to date testimony in this blog today, and give thanks and praise to the Lord for all that has happened in that time.

In January 2022 I was referred to a “Pain Specialist” because of increasing pain in my left knee. He ordered an MRI scan, which he suggested showed damaged nerves in my back which had produced “referred pain” in my knee. He drowned me in ever increasing pain killers for 18 months which did not relieve my pain at all, I also underwent a surgical procedure of 3 needles in my back, again without any success.

After 18 months of the above, and needing constantly a walker to assist me as my ability to walk became harder and harder., I chose to ask my G.P. for a referral to an Orthopedic Surgeon, his first reaction when I met with him was “I think it is your hip” and ordered an xray of my left hip. (I must admit I found his diagnosis hard to believe). 48 hours later he phoned, and informed me my left hip had totally disintegrated, I saw him again the next day, he had adjusted his surgery schedule and I received a new hip a few days later. I still felt I would need knee surgery later, but it seems the reality is that all the stress and weight was directed to my knee seeing I didn’t have a hip!!! But after 7 weeks I am now walking just with a walking stick, and around the house I am walking unaided with minimal pain.

I had been praying for over 18 months, that I would walk unaided and pain free, so I could transition into a new ministry, I am 82 years old tomorrow (8/9/23) and have recently been installed as an Elder in our local church.

I have written considerably recently on the Sovereignty of God, as I am committed to the awesome truth in:

Rom 8:28-30 NKJV And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

I sincerely believe the Lord has used these 21 months as a chastening Hebrews 12:6 tells us For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” for I can testify He has done such a work of Grace in my life that I will thank Him for all eternity. He did it because He loves me amen. The writer goes on to say that as a result of responding to chastening, one becomes a partaker of His holiness (verse 10) which afterwards is seen in the peaceable fruit of righteousness (verse 11)

As I was meditating on this today, I was overwhelmed by all the blessings and words and truths the Lord has poured into me over this time. We live in a small country town near a major national highway which we have to regularly use, there are many large trucks that are on the highway, I usually stay in the inside lane, so I am regularly overtaken by many trucks, and as the Lord promised His people in Deut. 26, I feel I have been literally overtaken by so much blessing during this time, for this I give him all the honour, praise and glory.

Your continued prayers would be appreciated, may the minimal pain in my knee completely go amen.