27 December 2023


By John Ollis

In the midst of all the celebrations and business of Christmas, it is a good time to take A SPIRITUAL STOCKTAKE, and look at the past year, and assess if there has been a level of growth in our relationship with the Lord and what fruitfulness and effectiveness there has been in our ministry.


Has my intimacy and walk with the Lord grown in this past year?

Am I clearly hearing the Lord speak to me through His Word?

Has my Ministry plans and goals been fulfilled and effective this year ?

I am sure there are many other questions we could also ask ourselves at this time, let us not rush our response but be honest with ourselves, as our responses will lay the foundation for this coming year.

I must honestly say at this time, I have really been impressed by the Lord to personally do this, at 82+ I sure don’t know how many years I have left and sure want to be as effective and fruitful in all I can do and BE in 2024.

So I plan to sit quietly and consider these questions, then lay them before the Lord,.

Our highest priority has to be NOT DOING BUT BEING, and letting the Lord COMPLETE HIS WORK IN US. Phil.1:6 NKJV being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; We must cooperate with the Lord and let Him continually work in us. Amen.

Let us ask the Lord, if there is some particular area of ministry we should be involved in this coming year, and/or how we can improve and deepen our effectiveness in those areas of ministry we are currently involved in.

I am deliberately keeping this blog short, as it now between you and the Lord to work these things through, and may by December 31 you are able to present to the Lord your goals and plans for 2024.

May the Lord bless and challenge you as you go through this process, and may 2024 be crowned with much blessing in your life.